Spatial Patterns of Weekly Rainfall Anomalies (%)
These charts are based on the weekly mean rainfall
anomalies (percentage departures from the long-term mean for the corresponding
week) for 36 meteorological subdivisions of India, computed from real-time
reports and published in the Weekly Weather Reports issued by the India
Meteorological Department. Spatial patterns for the month of May are displayed
to give the idea of Monsoon Onset. Each row of the panels corresponds to
the week ending the date indicated. In each row, the three panels indicate,
from left to right, the mean daily rainfall in the week, the corresponding
normal for the week and the percent departure.
Rainfall for the week ending on May 16, May 23, May 30
Rainfall for the week ending on Jun 06
Rainfall for the week ending on May 16, May 23, May 30
Rainfall for the week ending on June 6
Charts prepared
by J.V.
Monsoon On Line :
Last updated : June, 2018