Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology
Dr. Homi Bhabha Rd., Pashan, Pune 411 008, INDIA

Research Publications of Institute Scientists

Year :2013

( Impact Factor 2011 )

1Author/s :Abhik S., Halder M., Mukhopadhyay P., Jiang X., Goswami B.N.
Title :Possible new mechanism for northward propagation of boreal summer intraseasonal oscillations based on TRMM and MERRA reanalysis

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Source :Climate Dynamics, 40, April 2013, DOI:10.1007/s00382-012-1425-x, 1611-1624For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.602
2Author/s :Abhilash S., Sahai A.K., Pattnaik S., De S.
Title :Predictability during active break phases of Indian summer monsoon in an ensemble prediction system using climate forecast system

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Source :Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, 100-101, August 2013, DOI:10.1016/j.jastp.2013.03.017, 13-23For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.596
3Author/s :Ahmed M., Anchukaitis K.J., Asrat A., Borgaonkar H.P., Braida M., et. al
Title :Continental-scale temperature variability during the past two millennia (PAGES 2k Consortium)

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Source :Nature Geoscience, 6, May 2013, DOI:10.1038/NGE01797, 339-346For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 11.754
4Author/s :Ali K., Chate D., Beig G., Srinivas R., Parkhi N., Satpute T., Sahu S., Ghude S., Kulkarni S., Surendran D., Trimbake H.
Title :Spatio-temporal variation and deposition of fine and coarse particles during Commonwealth Games in Delhi

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Source :Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 13, February 2013, DOI:10.4209/aaqr.2010.04.0025, 748-755For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.827
5Author/s :Annamalai H., Hafner J., Sooraj K.P., Pillai P.
Title :Global warming shifts the monsoon circulation, drying South Asia

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Source :Journal of Climate, 26, May 2013, DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00208.1, 2701-2718For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.097
6Author/s :Anoop A., Prasad S., Krishnan R., Naumann R., Dulski P.
Title :Intensified monsoon and spatiotemporal changes in precipitation patterns in the NW Himalaya during the early-mid Holocene

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Source :Quaternary International, 313-314, November 2013, DOI:10.1016/j.quaint.2013.08.014, 74-84For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.874
7Author/s :Beig G., Chate D.M., Ghude S.D., Ali K., Sahu S.K., Parkhi N., Trimbake H.K.
Title :Evaluating population exposure to environmental pollutants during Deepavali fireworks displays using air quality measurements of the SAFAR network

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Source :Chemosphere, 92, June 2013, DOI:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2013.02.043, 116-124For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.206
8Author/s :Beig G., Chate D.M., Ghude S.D., Mahajan A.S., Srivinas R., Ali K., Sahu S.K., Parkhi N., Surendran D., Trimbake H.R.
Title :Quantifying the effect of air quality control measures during the 2010 Commonwealth Games at Delhi, India

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Source :Atmospheric Environment, 80, December 2013, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.08.012, 455-463For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.465
9Author/s :Bhalwankar R., Kamra A.K.
Title :Role of drop distortion in enhancing the lightning activity in clouds formed over cities

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Source :Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, 94, March 2013, DOI:10.1016/j.jastp.2012.12.018, 65–70For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.596
10Author/s :Bhawar R.L., Rahul P.R.C.
Title :Aerosol-cloud-interaction variability induced by atmospheric brown clouds during the 2009 Indian summer monsoon drought

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Source :Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 13, August 2013, DOI:10.4209/aaqr.2012.11.0329, 1384-1391For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.827
11Author/s :Bisht D.S., Tiwari S., Srivastava A.K., Srivastava M.K.
Title :Assessment of air quality during 19th Common Wealth Games at Delhi, India

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Source :Natural Hazards, 66, March 2013, DOI:10.1007/s11069-012-0349-4, 141-154For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.529
12Author/s :Borah N., Sahai A.K., Chattopadhyay R., Joseph S., Abhilash S., Goswami B.N.
Title :Self-organizing map-based ensemble forecast system for extended range prediction of active/break cycles of Indian summer monsoon

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Source :Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, August 2013, DOI:10.1002/jgrd.50688, 1-13For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.021
13Author/s :Bose T., Misra S., Chakraborty S., Reddy K.
Title :Gamma Ray Activity as a Tool for Identification of Hidden Ejecta Deposits Around Impact Crater on Basaltic Target: Example from Lonal Crater, India

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Source :Earth, Moon and Planets, 111, November 2013, DOI: 10.1007/s11038-013-9422-6, 31-46For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.667
14Author/s :Chakravarty Kaustav, Raj P. E.
Title :Raindrop size distributions and their association with characteristics of clouds and precipitation during monsoon and post-monsoon periods over a tropical Indian station

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Source :Atmospheric Research, 124, February 2013, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2013.01.005,181–189For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.911
15Author/s :Chakravarty Kaustav, Raj P.E., Bhattacharya A., Maitra A.
Title :Microphysical characteristics of clouds and precipitation during pre-monsoon and monsoon period over a tropical Indian station

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Source :Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, 94, March 2013, DOI:10.1016/j.jastp.2012.12.016, 28–33For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.596
16Author/s :Chakravorty Soumi, Chowdary J.S., Gnanaseelan C.
Title :Spring asymmetric mode in the tropical Indian Ocean: role of El Nin˜o and IOD

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Source :Climate Dynamics, 40, March 2013, DOI:10.1007/s00382-012-1340-1, 1467-1481For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.602
17Author/s :Chate D.M., Beig G., Satpute T., Sahu S.K., Parkhi N., Ghude S.
Title :Assessments of population exposure to environmental pollutants using air quality measurements during Commonwealth Games-2010

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Source :Inhalation Toxicology, 25, May 2013, DOI:10.3109/08958378.2013.788103, 333-340For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.919
18Author/s :Chattopadhyay R., Sur S., Joseph S., Sahai A.K.
Title :Diabatic heating profiles over the continental convergence zone during the monsoon active spells

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Source :Climate Dynamics, 41, July 2013, DOI:10.1007/s00382-013-1739-3, 205-226For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.602
19Author/s :Chattopadhyay R., Vintzileos A., Zhang C.,
Title :Description of the madden–julian oscillation based on a self-organizing map

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Source :Journal of Climate, 26, March 2013, DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00123.1, 1716-1732For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.097
20Author/s :Chattopadhyay T., Vadawale S.V., Pendharkar J.
Title :Compton polarimeter as a focal plane detector for hard X-ray telescope: sensitivity estimation with Geant4 simulations

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Source :Experimental Astronomy, 35, April 2013, DOI:10.1007/s10686-012-9312-3, 391-412For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.818
21Author/s :Chaudhari H.S., Pokhrel S., Mohanty S., Saha Subodh K.
Title :Seasonal prediction of Indian summer monsoon in NCEP coupled and uncoupled model

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Source :Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 114, November 2013, DOI:10.1007/s00704-013-0854-8, 459-477For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.942
22Author/s :Chaudhari H.S., Pokhrel S., Saha Subodh K., Dhakate A., Yadav R.K., Salunke K., Mahapatra S., Sabeerali C.T., Rao Suryachandra A.
Title :Model biases in long coupled runs of NCEP CFS in the context of Indian summer monsoon

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Source :International Journal of Climatology, 33, April 2013, DOI:10.1002/joc.3489, 1057-1069For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.906
23Author/s :Chowdary J.S., Gnanaseelan C., Chakravorty S.
Title :Impact of Northwest Pacific anticyclone on the Indian summer monsoon region

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Source :Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 113, July 2013, DOI:10.1007/s00704-012-0785-9, 329-336For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.942
24Author/s :Collins M., AchutaRao K., Ashok K, Bhandari S., Mitra A.K., Prakash S., Srivastava R., Turner A.
Title :Observational challenges in evaluating climate models

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Source :Nature Climate Change, 3, November 2013, 940-941For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 14.472
25Author/s :Das S.K., Uma K.N., Konwar M., Raj P.E., Deshpande S.M., Kalapureddy M.C.R.
Title :CloudSat–CALIPSO characterizations of cloud during the active and the break periods of Indian summer monsoon

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Source :Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, 97, May 2013, DOI:10.1016/j.jastp.2013.02.016, 106-114For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.596
26Author/s :Das Subrata Kumar, Das S.S., Chiang C-W, Nee J-B
Title :Descending cirrus associated with planetary scale disturbance: An observational study from lidar, radiosonde and reanalysis data

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Source :Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, 104, November 2013, DOI:10.1016/j.jastp.2013.08.019, 137-147For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.596
27Author/s :De S., Sahai A.K.
Title :Predictability of Indian monsoon circulation with high resolution ECMWF model in the perspective of tropical forecast during the tropical convection year 2008

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Source :Pure and Applied Geophysics, 170, December 2013, DOI:10.1007/s00024-013-0642-5, 2351–2368For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.787
28Author/s :Devara P.C.S., Kumar Sumit, Pandithurai G., Safai P.D., Dipu s.
Title :Comparison between urban aerosol products retrieved from collocated Cimel and Prede Sun/sky radiometers at Pune, India

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Source :Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 120, May 2013, DOI:10.1007/s00703-013-0246-8, 189-200For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.903
29Author/s :Devara P.C.S., Manoj M.G.
Title :Aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions: A challenging problem in regional environment and climate research

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Source :Particuology, 11, February 2013, DOI:10.1016/j.partic.2012.07.006, 25-33For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.423
30Author/s :Dipu S., Prabhakaran Thara, Pandithurai G., Dudhia J., Pfister G., Rajesh K., Goswami B.N.
Title :Impact of elevated aerosol layer on the cloud macrophysical properties prior to monsoon onset

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Source :Atmospheric Environment, 70, May 2013, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2012.12.036, 454-467For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.465
31Author/s :Dixit S.A., Ramesh O.N.
Title :On the k -1 1 scaling in sink-flow turbulent boundary layers

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Source :Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 737, December 2013, DOI:10.1017/jfm.2013.566, 329-348For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.459
32Author/s :Elampari E., Debaje S.B., Jeyakumar S.J., Chithambarathanu T.
Title :Measurements of ozone and its precursor nitrogen dioxide and crop yield losses due to cumulative ozone exposures over 40 ppb (AOT40) in rural coastal southern India

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Source :Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 70, December 2013, DOI:10.1007/s10874-013-9272-7, 357-371For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.985
33Author/s :Fadnavis S., Iyer U., Raj P.E.
Title :Long-term trends and decadal solar variability in ozone near the tropopause over the Indian region

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Source :International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34, October 2013, DOI:10.1080/01431161.2013.798054, 6749-6763For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.117
34Author/s :Fadnavis S., Semeniuk K., Pozzoli L., Schultz M.G., Ghude S.D., Das S., Kakatkar R.
Title :Transport of aerosols into the UTLS and their impact on the Asian monsoon region as seen in a global model simulation

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Source :Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13, September 2013, DOI:10.5194/acp-13-8771-2013, 8771-8786For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 5.520
35Author/s :Ghude S.D., Kulkarni S.H., Jena C., Pfister G.G., Beig G., Fadnavis S., Van der A.R.J.
Title :Application of satellite observations for identifying regions of dominant sources of nitrogen oxides over the Indian Subcontinent

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Source :Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, January 2013, DOI:10.1029/2012JD017811, 1075-1089For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.021
36Author/s :Ghude S.D., Pfister, Jena C., Van der R.J., Emmona L.K., Rajesh Kumar
Title :Satellite constraints of nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions from India based on OMI observations and WRF-Chem simulations

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Source :Geophysical Research Letters, 40, January 2013, DOI:10.1029/2012GL053926, 423-428For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.792
37Author/s :Goswami B.B., Mukhopadhyay P., Khairoutdinov M., Goswami B.N.
Title :Simulation of Indian summer monsoon intraseasonal oscillations in a superparameterized coupled climate model: need to improve the embedded cloud resolving model

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Source :Climate Dynamics, 41, September 2013, DOI:10.1007/s00382-012-1563-1, 1497-1507For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.602
38Author/s :Goswami B.N., Krishnan R.
Title :Opportunities and challenges in monsoon prediction in a changing climate - Editorial of Special OCHAMP issue

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Source :Climate Dynamics, 41, July 2013, DOI:10.1007/s00382-013-1835-4, 1For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.602
39Author/s :Gurugubelli B., Pervez S., Tiwari S.
Title :Characterization and spatiotemporal variation of urban ambient dust fallout in central India

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Source :Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 13, February 2013, DOI:10.4209/aaqr.2012.06.0141, 83-96For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.827
40Author/s :Hazra A.
Title :Role of mineral dust, soot, and bacteria in cloud and precipitation formation processes over Indian subcontinent using an atmospheric general circulation model

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Source :Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, 98, June 2013, DOI:10.1016/j.jastp.2013.02.019, 74–85For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.596
41Author/s :Hazra A., Goswami B.N., Chen J-P
Title :Role of interactions between aerosol radiative effect, dynamics, and cloud microphysics on transitions of monsoon intraseasonal oscillations

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Source :Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 70, July 2013, DOI: 10.1175/JAS-D-12-0179.1, 2073-2087For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.555
42Author/s :Hazra A., Mandal V., Chen J-P.
Title :Study of cloud microphysical properties over India during CAIPEEX using a mesoscale model with new cloud microphysical scheme-Part I

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Source :Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, 93, February 2013, DOI:10.1016/j.jastp.2012.11.010, 29–44For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.596
43Author/s :Hazra A., Mukhopadhyay P., Taraphdar S., Chen J-P., Cotton W.R.
Title :Impact of aerosols on tropical cyclones: An investigation using convection-permitting model simulation

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Source :Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, July 2013, DOI:10.1002/jgrd.50546, 7157-7168For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.021
44Author/s :Hazra A., Taraphdar S., Halder M., Pokhrel S., Chaudhari H.S., Salunke K., Mukhopadhyay P., Rao Suryachandra A.
Title :Indian summer monsoon drought 2009: role of aerosol and cloud microphysics

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Source :Atmospheric Science Letters, 14, July 2013, DOI:10.1002/asl2.437,181-186For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.932
45Author/s :Iyer U.S., Raj P.E.
Title :Ventilation coefficient trends in the recent decades over four major Indian metropolitan cities

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Source :Journal of Earth System Science, 122, April 2013, 537-549For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.820
46Author/s :Jayakumar A., Gnanaseelan C., Sabin T.P.
Title :Mechanism of intraseasonal oceanic signature in the region off southern tip of India during boreal summer

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Source :International Journal of Climatology, 33, July 2013, DOI:10.1002/joc.3585, 2280-2288For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.906
47Author/s :Jourdain N.C., Sen Gupta A., Taschetto A.S., Ummenhofer C.C., Moise A.F., Ashok K.
Title :Indo-Australian monsoon and its relationship to ENSO and IOD in reanalysis data and the CMIP3/CMIP5 simulations

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Source :Climate Dynamics, 41, December 2013, DOI:10.1007/s00382-013-1676-1, 3073-3102For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.602
48Author/s :Jung W-S., Panicker A.S., Lee D-I, Part S-H
Title :Estimates of aerosol indirect effect from Terra MODIS over Republic of Korea

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Source :Advances in Meteorology, 2013, November 2013, DOI:10.1155/2013/976813, 1-9For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.239
49Author/s :Kakade S.B., Kulkarni Ashwini
Title :Prediction of Indian summer monsoon rainfall using surface temperature and sea-level pressure cluster parameters

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Source :Current Science, 105, October 2013, 964-970For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.935
50Author/s :Kaplan M.L., Vellore R.K., Lewis J.M., Underwood S.J., Pauley P.M., Martin J.E., Krishnan R.
Title :Re-examination of the I-5 dust storm

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Source :Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, January 2013, DOI:10.1002/jgrd.50131, 627-642For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.021
51Author/s :Kaplan M.L., Vellore R.K., Lewis J.M., Underwood S.J., Pauley P.M., Martin J.E., Rabin R.M., Krishnan R.
Title :Subtropical-polar jet interactions in southern plains dust storms

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Source :Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, December 2013, DOI:10.1002/2013JD020345, 12893-12914For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.021
52Author/s :Khain A., Prabhakaran Thara, Benmoshe N., Pandithurai G., Ovchinnikov M.
Title :Mechanism of first raindrops formation in deep convective clouds

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Source :Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, August 2013, DOI:10.1002/jgrd.50641, 9123-9140For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.021
53Author/s :Kirillova E.N., Andersson A., Sheesley R.J., Kruså M., Praveen P.S., Budhavant K., Safai P.D., Rao P.S.P., Gustafsson O.
Title :13C- and 14C-based study of sources and atmospheric processing of water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) in South Asian aerosols

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Source :Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, January 2013, DOI:10.1002/jgrd.50130, 614-626For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.021
54Author/s :Kitoh A., Endo H., Krishna Kumar K., Cavalcanti I.F.A., Goswami P., Zhou T.
Title :Monsoons in a changing world: A regional perspective in a global context

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Source :Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, April 2013, DOI:10.1002/jgrd.50258, 3053–3065For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.021
55Author/s :Krishnan R., Sabin T.P., Ayantika D.C., Kitoh A., Sugi M., Murakami H., Turner A.G., Slingo J.M., Rajendran K.
Title :Will the South Asian monsoon overturning circulation stabilize any further?

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Source :Climate Dynamics, 40, January 2013, DOI:10.1007/s00382-012-1317-0, 187-211For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.602
56Author/s :Kulkarni Ashwini, Patwardhan S., Krishna Kumar K., Ashok K., Krishnan R.
Title :Projected climate change in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region by using the high-resolution regional climate model PRECIS

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Source :Mountain Research and Development, 33, May 2013, DOI:10.1659/MRD-JOURNAL-D-11-00131.1, 142-151For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.676
57Author/s :Kulkarni M.K., Revadekar J.V., Varikoden H.
Title :About the variability in thunderstorm and rainfall activity over India and its association with El Nin˜o and La Nin˜a

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Source :Natural Hazards, 69, December 2013, DOI:10.1007/s11069-013-0790-z, 2005-2019For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.529
58Author/s :Lakshmi Kumar T.V., Rao Koteswar K., Barbosa H., Jothi E.P.,
Title :Studies on spatial pattern of NDVI over India and its relationship with rainfall, air temperature, soil moisture adequacy and ENSO

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Source :Geofizika, 30, June 2013, UDC 551.588.6, 1-18For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.789
59Author/s :Lal D.M., Patil S.D., Singh H.N., Ghude S.D., Tiwari S., Srivastava M.K.
Title :Influence of aerosol on clouds over the Indo-Gangetic Plain, India

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Source :Climate Dynamics, 41, August 2013, DOI:10.1007/s00382-013-1775-z, 601-612For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.602
60Author/s :Latha R., Murthy B.S.
Title :Response of Cassava canopy to mid-day pseudo sunrise induced by solar eclipse

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Source :International Journal of Biometeorology, 57, July 2013, DOI:10.1007/s00484-012-0576-0, 645-648For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.254
61Author/s :Latha R., Murthy B.S., Manoj Kumar, Lipi K., Jyotsna S.
Title :Aerosol radiative forcing controls: results from an Indian table-top mining region

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Source :Atmospheric Environment, 81, December 2013, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.09.035, 687-694For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.465
62Author/s :Lee D-Y, Ahn J-B, Ashok K.
Title :Improvement of multimodel ensemble seasonal prediction skills over east Asian summer monsoon region using a climate filter concept

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Source :Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 52, May 2013, DOI:10.1175/JAMC-D-12-0123.1, 1127-1138For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.799
63Author/s :Lee D.Y., Ahn J-B, Ashok K., Alessandri A.
Title :Improvement of grand multi-model ensemble prediction skills for the coupled models of APCC/ENSEMBLES using a climate filter

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Source :Atmospheric Science Letters, 14, July 2013, DOI:10.1002/asl2.430, 139-145For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.932
64Author/s :Mahakur M., Prabhu A., Sharma A.K., Rao V.R., Senroy S., Singh R., Goswami B.N.
Title :High-resolution outgoing longwave radiation dataset from Kalpana-1 satellite during 2004–2012

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Source :Current Science, 105, October 2013, 1124-1133For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.935
65Author/s :Maksyutov S., Takagi H., Valsala V., Saotp M., Oda T., Saeki T., Belikov D.A., Saito R., Ito A., Yoshida Y., Morino I., Uchino O., Andres R.J., Yokota T.
Title :Regional CO2 flux estimates for 2009-2010 based on GOSAT and ground-based CO2 observations

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Source :Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13, September 2013, DOI:10.5194/acp-13-9351-2013, 9351-9373For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 5.520
66Author/s :Manoj M.G., Devara P.C.S., Jaya Rao Y., Sonbawne S.M.
Title :Lidar investigation of aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions over a tropical monsoon environment: Recharging of atmosphere

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Source :Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, 93, February 2013, DOI:10.1016/j.jastp.2012.10.009, 80-86For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.596
67Author/s :Manoj M.G., Devara P.C.S., Taraphdar S.
Title :Lidar investigation of tropical nocturnal boundary layer aerosols and cloud macrophysics

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Source :Atmospheric Research, 132-133, October 2013, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2013.05.007,65-75For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.911
68Author/s :Martín J. C. G., Mahajan Anoop S., Hay T.D., Prados-Román C., Ordóñez C., MacDonald S.M., Plane J.M.C., Sorribas M., Gil M., Mora J.F.P., Reyes M.V.A., Oram D.E., Leedham E., Saiz-Lopez A.
Title :Iodine chemistry in the eastern Pacific marine boundary layer

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Source :Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, January 2013, DOI:10.1002/jgrd.50132, 887-904For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.021
69Author/s :Meena G.S., Patil S.D., Manoj M.G., Devara P.C.S.
Title :Tropospheric NO2 variability over the metropolitan cities and hill stations of India

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Source :Natural Hazards, 65, January 2013, DOI:10.1007/s11069-012-0392-1, 723-737For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.529
70Author/s :More S., Pradeep Kumar P., Gupta P., Devara P.C.S., Aher G.R.
Title :Comparison of aerosol products retrieved from AERONET, MICROTOPS and MODIS over a tropical urban city, Pune, India

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Source :Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 13, February 2013, DOI:10.4209/aaqr.2012.04.0102, 107-121For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.827
71Author/s :Murthy B.S., Latha R., Sreeja P.
Title :Boundary layer jet on the lee side of Western Ghats during southwest monsoon as revealed by high resolution sodar winds

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Source :Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, 105-106, December 2013, DOI:0.1016/j.jastp.2013.09.002, 101-109For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.596
72Author/s :Nagaraja K., Pawar S.D., Murugavel P., Gopalakrishnan V.
Title :Electrical conductivity of the stratosphere

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Source :Mapana Journal of Sciences, 12, January 2013, 39-48For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.000
73Author/s :Naik S.S., Salvekar P.S., Patil S.D.
Title :Behaviour of onset phase and its probable impact on overall nature of Indian southwest monsoon - An useful approach

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Source :International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, 6, February 2013, 87-95For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.042
74Author/s :Niranjan Kumar K., M. Rajeevan, D.S. Pai, A.K. Srivastava, B. Preethi
Title :On the observed variability of monsoon droughts over India

PDF file

Source :Weather and Climate Extremes, 1, September 2013, 42-50For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.000
75Author/s :Nischitha V., Ahmed S.A., Varikoden H., Revadekar J.V., Reddy S.G.S.
Title :Spatial and temporal variability of daily monsoon rainfall in Tunga and Bhadra river basins, Karnataka

PDF file

Source :Annals of GIS, 19, December 2013, DOI:10.1080/19475683.2013.843588, 219-230For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.000
76Author/s :Padmakumari B., Jaswal A.K., Goswami B.N.
Title :Decrease in evaporation over the Indian monsoon region: implication on regional hydrological cycle

PDF file

Source :Climatic Change, 121, December 2013, DOI:10.1007/s10584-013-0957-3, 787-799For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.385
77Author/s :Padmakumari B., Maheskumar R.S., Harikishan G., Kulkarni J.R., Goswami B.N.
Title :Comparative study of aircraft- and satellite-derived aerosol and cloud microphysical parameters during CAIPEEX-2009 over the Indian region

PDF file

Source :International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34, January 2013, DOI:10.1080/01431161.2012.705442, 358–373For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.117
78Author/s :Padmakumari B., Maheskumar R.S., Harikishan G., Morwal S.B., Prabhakaran Thara, Kulkarni J.R.
Title :In situ measurements of aerosol vertical and spatial distributions over continental India during the major drought year 2009

PDF file

Source :Atmospheric Environment, 80, August 2013, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.07.064,107-121For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.465
79Author/s :Padmakumari B., Maheskumar R.S., Morwal S.B., Harikishan G., Konwar M., Kulkarni J.R., Goswami B.N.
Title :Aircraft observations of elevated pollution layers near the foothills of the Himalayas during CAIPEEX-2009

PDF file

Source :Quarterly Journal of Royal Meteorological Society, 139, April 2013, DOI:10.1002/qj.1989, 625-638For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.907
80Author/s :Panicker A.S., Lee D.I., Kumkar Y.V., Kim D., Maki M., Uyeda H.
Title :Decadal climatological trends of aerosol optical parameters over three different environments in South Korea

PDF file

Source :International Journal of Climatology, 33, June 2013, DOI:10.1002/joc.3557, 1909-1916For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.906
81Author/s :Panicker A.S., Park S-H, Lee D-I, Kim D-C, Jung W-S, Jang S-M, Jeong J-H, Kim D-S, Yu J., Jeong H.
Title :Observations of black carbon characteristics and radiative forcing over a global atmosphere watch supersite in Korea

PDF file

Source :Atmospheric Environment, 77, October 2013, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.04.020, 98-104For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.465
82Author/s :Patil M.N., Patil S.D., Waghmare R.T., Dharmaraj T.
Title :Planetary Boundary Layer height over the Indian subcontinent during extreme monsoon years

PDF file

Source :Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, 92, January 2013, DOI:10.1016/j.jastp.2012.10.011, 94-99For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.596
83Author/s :Patil S.D., Preethi B., Bansod S.D., Singh H.N., Revadekar J.V., Munot A.A.
Title :On the association between pre-monsoon aerosol and all-India summer monsoon rainfall

PDF file

Source :Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, 102, September 2013, DOI:10.1016/j.jastp.2013.04.006, 1-7For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.596
84Author/s :Pattnaik S., Abhilash S., De S., Sahai A.K., Phani R., Goswami B.N.
Title :Influence of convective parameterization on the systematic errors of Climate Forecast System (CFS) model over the Indian monsoon region from an extended range forecast perspective

PDF file

Source :Climate Dynamics, 41, July 2013, DOI:10.1007/s00382-013-1662-7, 341–365For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.602
85Author/s :Pawar S.D., Kamra A.K.
Title :Recovery curves of the lightning discharges occurring in the dissipation stage of thunderstorms

PDF file

Source :Journal of Earth System Science, 122, April 2013, 531-536For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.820
86Author/s :Pokhrel S., Dhakate A., Chaudhari H.S., Saha Subodh K.
Title :Status of NCEP CFS vis-a-vis IPCC AR4 models for the simulation of Indian summer monsoon

PDF file

Source :Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 111, January 2013, DOI:10.1007/s00704-012-0652-8, 65-78For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.942
87Author/s :Pokhrel S., Sikka D.R.
Title :Variability of the TRMM-PR total and convective and stratiform rain fractions over the Indian region during the summer monsoon

PDF file

Source :Climate Dynamics, 41, July 2013, DOI:10.1007/s00382-012-1502-1, 21-44For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.602
88Author/s :Prajeesh A.G., Ashok K., Bhaskar Rao D.V.
Title :Falling monsoon depression frequency: A Gray-Sikka conditions perspective

PDF file

Source :Scientific Reports, 3:2989, October 2013, DOI: 10.1038/srep02989,1-8For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.927
89Author/s :Preethi B., Revadekar J.V.
Title :Kharif foodgrain yield and daily summer monsoon precipitation over India

PDF file

Source :International Journal of Climatology, 33, June 2013, DOI: 10.1002/joc.3565, 1978-1986For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.906
90Author/s :Rahul P. R. C.
Title :r-index: Quantifying the quality of an individuals scientific research output

PDF file

Source :Journal of Scientometric Research, 2, April 2013, 80-82For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.000
91Author/s :Rahul S., Gnanaseelan C.
Title :Net heat flux over the Indian Ocean: Trends, driving mechanisms, and uncertainties

PDF file

Source :IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 10, July 2013, DOI:10.1109/LGRS.2012.2223194, 776-780For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.560
92Author/s :Raj Kumar, Chakraborty A., Parekh A., Sikhakolli R., Gohil B.S., Kiran Kumar A.S.
Title :Evaluation of Oceansat-2-Derived ocean surface winds using observations from global buoys and other scatterometers

PDF file

Source :IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 51, May 2013, DOI:10.1109/TGRS.2012.2214785, 2571-2576For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.895
93Author/s :Rajeevan M., Srinivasan J., Niranjan Kumar K., Gnanaseelan C., Ali M.M.
Title :On the epochal variation of intensity of tropical cyclones in the Arabian Sea

PDF file

Source :Atmospheric Science Letters, 14, October 2013, DOI:10.1002/asl2.447, 249-255For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.932
94Author/s :Ramesh Kumar P., Kamra A.K.
Title :Lightning activity associated with the dry and moist convections in the Himalayan Regions

PDF file

Source :Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, June 2013, DOI:10.1002/jgrd.50499, 6246–6258For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.021
95Author/s :Ramesh Kumar P., Kamra A.K.
Title :Lightning distribution with respect to the monsoon trough position during the Indian summer monsoon season

PDF file

Source :Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, May 2013, DOI:10.1002/jgrd.50382, 4780-4787For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.021
96Author/s :Rao A.R., Rao N.G., Sreenivas P., Hareesh Kumar P.V.
Title :Role of meso-scale eddies on circulation in the South Eastern Arabian Sea in 2009

PDF file

Source :Marine Geodesy, 36, August 2013, DOI:10.1080/01490419.2013.811448, 319-333For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.329
97Author/s :Rawal A., Tripathi S.N., Michael M., Srivastava A.K., Harrison R.G.
Title :Quantifying the importance of galactic cosmic rays in cloud microphysical processes

PDF file

Source :Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, 102, September 2013, DOI:10.1016/j.jastp.2013.05.017, 243-251For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.596
98Author/s :Revadekar J.V., Hameed S., Collins D., Manton M., Sheikh M., Borgaonkar H. P., Kothawale D. R., Adnan M., Ahmed A. U., Ashraf J., Baidya S., Islam N., Jayasinghearachchi D., Manzoor N., Premalal K. H., Shreshta M.L.
Title :Impact of altitude and latitude on changes in temperature extremes over South Asia during 1971–2000

PDF file

Source :International Journal of Climatology, 33, January 2013, DOI:10.1002/joc.3418, 199–209For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.906
99Author/s :Roxy M., Patil N., Aparna K., Ashok K.
Title :Revisiting the Indian summer monsoon-ENSO links in the IPCC AR4 projections: A cautionary outlook

PDF file

Source :Global and Planetary Change, 104, May 2013, DOI:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2013.02.003, 51-60For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.930
100Author/s :Roxy M., Tanimoto Y., Preethi B., Terray P., Krishnan R.
Title :Intraseasonal SST-precipitation relationship and its spatial variability over the tropical summer monsoon region

PDF file

Source :Climate Dynamics, 41, July 2013, DOI:10.1007/s00382-012-1547-1, 45-61For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.602
101Author/s :Sabeerali C.T., Dandi A.R., Dhakate A., Salunke K., Mahapatra S., Rao Suryachandra A.
Title :Simulation of boreal summer intraseasonal oscillations in the latest CMIP5 coupled GCMs

PDF file

Source :Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, May 2013, DOI:10.1002/jgrd.50403, 4401-4420For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.021
102Author/s :Sabin T.P., Babu C.A., Joseph P.V.
Title :SST–convection relation over tropical oceans

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Source :International Journal of Climatology, 33, May 2013, DOI:10.1002/joc.3522, 1424–1435For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.906
103Author/s :Sabin T.P., Krishnan R., Ghattas J., Denvil S., Dufresne J-L, Hourdin F., Pascal T.
Title :High resolution simulation of the South Asian monsoon using a variable resolution global climate model

PDF file

Source :Climate Dynamics, 41, July 2013, DOI:10.1007/s00382-012-1658-8, 173-194For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.602
104Author/s :Saeki T., Maksyutov S., Saito M., Valsala V., Oda T., Andres R. J., Belikov D., Tans P., Dlugokencky E., Yoshida Y., Morino I., Uchino O., Yokota T.
Title :Inverse modeling of CO2 fluxes using GOSAT data and multi-year ground-based observations

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Source :SOLA, 9, April 2013, DOI:10.2151/sola.2013-011, 45-50For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.287
105Author/s :Saeki T., Maksyutov S., Sasakawa M., Machida T., Arshinov M., Tans P., Conway T.J., Saito M., Valsala V., Oda T., Andres R.J., Belikov D.
Title :Carbon flux estimation for Siberia by inverse modeling constrained by aircraft and tower CO2 measurements

PDF file

Source :Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, January 2013, DOI:10.1002/jgrd.50127, 1100-1122For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.021
106Author/s :Safai P.D., Raju M.P., Budhavant K.B., Rao P.S.P., Devara P.C.S.
Title :Long term studies on characteristics of black carbon aerosols over a tropical urban station Pune, India

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Source :Atmospheric Research, 132-133, October 2013, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2013.05.002, 173-184For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.911
107Author/s :Saha Subodh K., Pokhrel S., Chaudhari H.S.
Title :Influence of Eurasian snow on Indian summer monsoon in NCEP CFSv2 freerun

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Source :Climate Dynamics, 41, October 2013, DOI:10.1007/s00382-012-1617-4, 1801-1815 For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.602
108Author/s :Sahai A.K., Sharmila S., Abhilash S., Chattopadhyay R., Borah N., Krishna R.P.M.,Joseph Susmitha, Roxy M., De S., Pattnaik S., Pillai P.A.
Title :Simulation and Extended range prediction of Monsoon Intraseasonal Oscillations in NCEP CFS/GFS version 2 framework

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Source :Current Science, 104, May 2013, 1394-1408For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.935
109Author/s :Sarma V.V.S.S., Lenton A., Law R.M., Metz; N., Patra P.K., Doney S., Lima I.D.,Dlugokencky E., Ramonet M., Valsala V.
Title :Sea-air CO2 fluxes in the Indian Ocean between 1990 and 2009

PDF file

Source :Biogeosciences, 10, November 2013, DOI:10.5194/bg-10-7035-2013, 7035-7052For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.859
110Author/s :Sengupta S., Parekh A., Chakraborty S., Ravi Kumar K., Bose T.
Title :Vertical variation of oxygen isotope in Bay of Bengal and its relationships with water masses

PDF file

Source :Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, December 2013, DOI:10.1002/2013JC008973, 6411-6424For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.021
111Author/s :Sharmila Sur, Pillai P.A., Joseph S., Roxy M., Krishna R.P.M., Chattopadhyay R., Abhilash S., Sahai A.K., Goswami B.N.
Title :Role of ocean-atmosphere interaction on northward propagation of Indian summer monsoon intra-seasonal oscillations (MISO)

PDF file

Source :Climate Dynamics, 41, September 2013, DOI:10.1007/s00382-013-1854-1, 1651–1669For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.602
112Author/s :Siingh D., Gautam A.S., Kamra A.K., Komsaare K.
Title :Nucleation events for the formation of charged aerosol particles at a tropical station - Preliminary results

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Source :Atmospheric Research, 132-133, October 2013, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2013.05.024, 239-252For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.911
113Author/s :Siingh D., Pant V., Kamra A.K.
Title :Temperature-dependence of the positive intermediate ion concentrations at Maitri, Antarctica

PDF file

Source :Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, 104, November 2013, DOI:10.1016/j.jastp.2013.08.011, 67-74For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.596
114Author/s :Siingh D., Ramesh Kumar P., Kulkarni M.N., Singh A.K.
Title :Lightning, convective rain and solar activity - Over the South/Southeast Asia

PDF file

Source :Atmospheric Research, 120-121, February 2013, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2012.07.026, 99-111For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.911
115Author/s :Siingh D., Singh R.P., Gopalkrishnan V., Selvaraj C., Panneerselvam C.
Title :Fair-weather atmospheric electricity study at Maitri (Antarctica)

PDF file

Source :Earth, Planets and Space, 65, December 2013, DOI:10.5047/eps.2013.09.011, 1541-1553For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.795
116Author/s :Simha C.P., Devara P.C.S., Saha S.K.
Title :Aerosol pollution and its impact on regional climate during Holi festival inferred from ground-based and satellite remote sensing observations

PDF file

Source :Natural Hazards, 69, October 2013, DOI:10.1007/s11069-013-0743-6, 889-903For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.529
117Author/s :Singh A.K., Siingh D., Singh R.P., Ghodpage R.N.
Title :Characteristics of cloud-to-ground lightning discharges associated with sprites

PDF file

Source :Earth Science India, 6, January 2013, 40-61 For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.000
118Author/s :Singh Khem, Tiwari S., Jha A.K., Aggarwal S.G., Bisht D.S., Murty B.P., Khan Z.H., Gupta P.K.
Title :Mass-size distribution of PM10 and its characterization of ionic species in fine (PM2.5) and coarse (PM10_2.5) mode, New Delhi, India

PDF file

Source :Natural Hazards, 68, September 2013, DOI:10.1007/s11069-013-0652-8, 775-789For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.529
119Author/s :Singh Prem, Chowdary J.S., Gnanaseelan C.
Title :Impact of prolonged La Niña events on the Indian Ocean with a special emphasis on southwest Tropical Indian Ocean SST

PDF file

Source :Global and Planetary Change, 100, January 2013, DOI:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2012.10.010, 28-37For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.930
120Author/s :Singh Prem, Parekh A., Attada R.
Title :Comparison of a simple logarithmic and equivalent neutral wind approaches for converting buoy-measured wind speed to the standard height: special emphasis to North Indian Ocean

PDF file

Source :Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 111, January 2013, DOI:10.1007/s00704-012-0674-2, 455-463For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.942
121Author/s :Solanki R., Singh Narendra, Pant P., Dumka U.C., Bhavani Kumar Y., Srivastava A.K., Bisht S.
Title :Detection of long range transport of aerosols with elevated layers over high altitude station in the central Himalayas: A case study on 22 and 24 March 2012 at ARIES, Nainital

PDF file

Source :Indian Journal of Radio and Space Physics, 42, October 2013, 1-13For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.000
122Author/s :Somaru Ram, Borgaonkar H.P.
Title :Growth response of conifer trees from high-altitude region of Western Himalaya

PDF file

Source :Current Science, 105, July 2013, 225-231For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.935
123Author/s :Sooraj K.P., Seo K-H
Title : Boreal summer intraseasonal variability simulated in the NCEPclimate forecast system: insights from moist static energy budget and sensitivity to convective moistening

PDF file

Source :Climate Dynamics, 41, September 2013, DOI: 10.1007/s00382-012-1631-6, 1569-1594For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.602
124Author/s :Srivastava A.K., Revadekar J.V., Rajeevan M.
Title :State of the Climate in 2012 : South Asian Regional Summary

PDF file

Source :Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 94, August 2013, S188-S190For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 6.026
125Author/s :Srivastava P.R., Gokani S.A., Maurya A.K., Singh R., Kumar Sushil, Veenadhari B., Selvakumaran R., Singh A.K., Siingh D., Lichtenberger J.
Title :One-to-one relationship between low latitude whistlers and conjugate source lightning discharges and their propagation characteristics

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Source :Advances in Space Research, 52, December 2013, DOI:10.1016/j.asr.2013.08.018, 1966-1973For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.178
126Author/s :Suhas, E., Neena, J.M., Goswami, B.N.
Title :Indian monsoon intraseasonal oscillations (MISO) index for real time monitoring and forecast verification

PDF file

Source :Climate Dynamics, 40, June 2013, DOI:10.1007/s00382-012-1462-5, 2605-2616For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.602
127Author/s :Surendran D.E., Beig G., Ghude S.D., Panicker A.S., Manoj M.G., Chate D.M., Ali K.
Title :Radiative forcing of black carbon over Delhi

PDF file

Source :International Journal of Photoenergy, 2013, November 2013, DOI:10.1155/2013/313652, ID 313652, 1-7 For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.769
128Author/s :Swain J., Panigrahi J.K., Umesh P.A., Baba M., Murty A.S.N., Balchand A.N.,
Title :WAM validation studies in the North Indian Ocean using NCMRWF analyzed wind fields

PDF file

Source :International Journal of Oceans and Oceanography, 7, January 2013, 9-32For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.000
129Author/s :Tinmaker M.I.R., Chate D.M.
Title :Lightning activity over India: a study of east-west contrast

PDF file

Source :International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34, May 2013, DOI:10.1080/01431161.2013.794987, 5641-5650For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.117
130Author/s :Tiwari S., Bisht D.S., Srivastava A.K., Shivashankara G.P., Kumar R.
Title :Inter-annual and intra-seasonal variability in fine mode particles over Delhi: Influence of meteorology

PDF file

Source :Advances in Meteorology, 2013, December 2013, 1-9For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.239
131Author/s :Tiwari S., Pervez S., Cinzi P., Bisht D.S., Srivastava A.K., Chate D.
Title :Chemical characterization of atmospheric particulate matter in Delhi, India, Part II: Source apportionment studies using PMF 3.0

PDF file

Source :Sustainable Environment Research, 23, September 2013, 295-306For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.675
132Author/s :Tiwari S., Srivastava A. K., Bisht D. S., Safai P. D.
Title :Assessment of carbonaceous aerosol over Delhi in the Indo-Gangetic Basin: characterization, sources and temporal variability

PDF file

Source :Natural Hazards, 65, January 2013, DOI:10.1007/s11069-012-0449-1, 1745-1764For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.529
133Author/s :Tiwari S., Srivastava A.K., Bisht D.S., Parmita P., Srivastava M.K., Attri S.D.
Title :Diurnal and seasonal variations of black carbon and PM2.5 over New Delhi, India: Influence of meteorology

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Source :Atmospheric Research, 125-126, May 2013, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2013.01.011, 50-62For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.911
134Author/s :Tiwari Shani, Srivastava A.K., Singh A.K.
Title :Heterogeneity in pre-monsoon aerosol characteristics over the Indo-Gangetic Basin

PDF file

Source :Atmospheric Environment, 77, October 2013, 738-747For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.465
135Author/s :Tiwari Y.K., Revadekar J.V., Ravi Kumar K.
Title :Variations in atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and its association with rainfall and vegetation over India

PDF file

Source :Atmospheric Environment, 68, April 2013, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2012.11.040, 45-51For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.465
136Author/s :Tiwari Y.K., Valsala V., Vellore R.K., Kunchal R.K.
Title :Effectiveness of surface monitoring stations in representing regional CO2 emissions over India

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Source :Climate Research, 56, March 2013, DOI:10.3354/cr01149, 121-129For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.994
137Author/s :Uma K.N., Das Subrata K., Das S.S., Kishore Kumar K.
Title :Aura-MLS observations of water vapor entering the stratosphere over the northern Bay of Bengal and east equatorial Indian Ocean

PDF file

Source :Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 24, June 2013, DOI:10.3319/TAO.2012.11.06.01(A), 357-368For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.883
138Author/s :Valsala V., Maksyutov S.
Title :Interannual variability of the air–sea CO2 flux in the north Indian Ocean

PDF file

Source :Ocean Dynamics, 63, March 2013, DOI:10.1007/s10236-012-0588-7, 165-178For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.774
139Author/s :Valsala V., Tiwari Y.K., Pillai P., Roxy M., Maksyutov M., Murtugudde R.
Title :Intraseasonal variability of terrestrial biospheric CO2 fluxes over India during summer monsoons

PDF file

Source :Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, June 2013, DOI:10.1002/jgrg.20037, 752-769For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.021
140Author/s :Varikoden H., Krishna Kumar K., Babu C.A.
Title :Long term trends of seasonal and monthly rainfall in different intensity ranges over Indian subcontinent

PDF file

Source :Mausam, 64, July 2013, 481-488For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.170
141Author/s :Varikoden H., Preethi B.
Title :Wet and dry years of Indian summer monsoon and its relation with Indo-Pacific sea surface temperatures

PDF file

Source :International Journal of Climatology, 33, June 2013, DOI: 10.1002/joc.3547, 1761-1771For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.906
142Author/s :Vijayakumar K., Devara P.C.S.
Title :Study of aerosol optical depth, ozone, and precipitable water vapour content over Sinhagad, a high-altitude station in the Western Ghats

PDF file

Source :International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34, January 2013, DOI:10.1080/01431161.2012.705444, 613–630For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.117
143Author/s :Vishnu R., Varikoden H.
Title :Convective thundercloud development over the Western Ghats mountain slope in Kerala

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Source :Current Science, 104, June 2013, 1506-1514For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.935
144Author/s :Yadav R.K.
Title :Emerging role of Indian ocean on Indian northeast monsoon

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Source :Climate Dynamics, 41, July 2013, DOI:10.1007/s00382-012-1637-0, 105-116For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.602
145Author/s :Yadav R.K., Ramu D.A., Dimri A.P.
Title :On the relationship between ENSO patterns and winter precipitation over North and Central India

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Source :Global and Planetary Change, 107, August 2013, DOI:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2013.04.006, 50-58For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.930

Cumulative Impact Factor : 366.278 (Impact Factor 2011)

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Papers with impact factor: 138

(Updated on 24 May 2021 )

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