Publications Added in I.I.T.M. Library

November 2014 





Quaternary Environmental Change in the Tropics

- Metcalfe, S.E., Nash, D.J.

- Wiley-Blackwell, U.K., 2012, pp.421



Acc. No. 8329



Thermodynamics, Kinetics, and Microphysics of Clouds

- Khvorostyanav, V.I., Curry, J.A.

- Cambridge University Press, U.S.A., 2014, pp.782

Acc. No. 8330




Airborne Measurements for Environmental Research - Methods and Instruments

- Wendisch, M., Brenguier, J.L.

- Wiley-Vch, Germany, 2013, pp.655

Acc. No. 8331




Weather and Climate Resilience-Effective Preparedness through National Meteorological and Hydrological Services

- Rogers, D.P., Tsirkunov, V.V.

- The World Bank, U.S.A., 2013, pp.141 

Acc. No. 8320



In the Eye of the Storm : The Autobiography of Sir John Houghton

- Houghton, J., Tavner, G.

- Lion Hudson Plc., U.K., 2013, pp.303


Acc. No. 8333



History of Science In India-Vol.VI.

- Mukhopadhyay, A., Bhattacharya, H.N.

-The Ramkrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Kolkata, 2014, pp.322

Acc. No. 8334



Effect of Aerosols on Evaporanspiration - Observations over Tropical Mining Region and Model Evaluation

- Latha, R.

-Thesis submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Technology, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, 2013, pp.121

Acc. No. T-287


