IITM Foundation Day Award Lecture Series (17 Nov. 2018)
Golden Jubilee Award Lecture
Silver Jubilee Award Lecture
Best Student Research Paper Award Lecture:Lecture 1 |
Lecture 2
Prof. R. Ananthakrishnan Seminar Series
Lecture-1 (15 Jan. 2018) |
Lecture-2 (9 Mar. 2018)
Lecture-3 (12 Apr. 2018) |
Lecture-6 (13 Jul. 2018)
Lecture-7 (6 Sep. 2018)
Lecture-8 (19 March 2019)
Inter-annual variability of the dates of Indian summer Monsoon Onset over Kerala (MOK) is examined for the period 1971 to 2018. The mean date of MOK is observed as 2 June, however, the standard deviation of the present series is found to be less than that of the earlier IMD series. The MOK date series exhibit a large inter-annual variation during the study period with a dominant decadal periodic variation, significant at 10% level. The decadal mean values of monsoon onset exhibit a cyclic variation, and the 5 decades show characteristics of slightly delayed-normal-slightly delayed-normal-slightly delayed occurrence of monsoon onset in mean. The study has brought out the features of the short-term climatic changes in the time of occurrence of MOK which further shall be useful for making improvement in the present onset prediction models for better results.
(Ghanekar S.P., Bansod S.D., Narkhedkar S.G., Kulkarni Ashwini, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, online, April 2019, DOI:10.1007/s00704-019-02853-5, 1-14)
This study show that Dense fog occurred at IGI Airport, New Delhi during 2011-2016, causing a total economic loss of approximately 3.9 million USD (248 million Indian rupees) to the airlines. The analysis further found that from 2014-2015 onwards, there has been a reduction in the number of flight delays, diversions, and cancellations by approximately 88%, 55%, and 36%, respectively, due to the strict implementation of guidelines to facilitate the Category (CAT)-III landing for aircraft during dense fog.
Figure: Total economic losses due to dense fog which occurred at IGI Airport between 2011 and 2016. Black bar shows the total number of flights affected, red bar shows the economic loss (in millions USD), and blue line shows the total number of dense fog hours for visibility less than 200 m
(Kulkarni R., Jenamani R.K., Pithani P., Konwar M., Nigam N., Ghude S.D. Atmosphere, 10:198, April 2019, DOI:10.3390/atmos10040198, 1-10)
Observations for recent decades, post 1960, exhibit declining trend in monsoon rainfall with frequent occurrence
and intensification of droughts along with an increase in percentage of area under moderate and severe drought conditions, in association with variations in sea surface temperature (SST)
(Preethi B., Ramya R., Patwardhan S.K., Mujumdar M., Kripalani R.H., Climate Dynamics, online, April 2019, DOI:10.1007/s00382-019-04752-x, 1-26)
The characteristics (frequency and duration) of heat waves over India in future warming scenario has been examined using nine CMIP5 models. The RCP4.5 scenario and the period 2020-2064 were used for the analysis to examine the possible changes in the characteristics of heat waves. In spite of moderate biases in day time temperatures, the CMIP5 models showed modest skill in realistic simulation of observed heat waves in terms of spatial pattern and frequency.
(Rohini P., Rajeevan M., Mukhopadhay P., Climate Dynamics, online, March 2019, DOI:10.1007/s00382-019-04700-9, 1-14)
Dr Harsh Vardhan, the Hon’ble Minister of Science and Technology, Earth Sciences and Environment and Forests and Climate Change inaugurated the special weather services for Kumbh Mela on 14th January 2019.
To provide information of the prevailing weather and forecasts for next 3 days, the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) has launched the special weather services for the benefit of people visiting Prayagraj during KumbhMela.
The 3rd conference on India Radar Meteorology (iRAD2019), an initiative of the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), Govt. of India was held at IITM during 9-12 January 2019. Jointly organized by IITM and IMD to promote radar meteorology in India and to provide a platform for an interaction between academia, research institutes and industry. Inaugurated by Hon'ble Chief Guest, Dr. M. Rajeevan, Secretary, MoES, Guest of Honour, Dr. K. J. Ramesh, DGM, IMD, Prof. Ravi S. Nanjundiah, Director, IITM, Prof. V. Chandrasekar, Colorado State University, USA, Convener, iRAD2019, Dr G. Pandithurai, IITM and Co-Convener, iRAD2019, Dr D. Pradhan, IMD on 10.1.2019.
Workshop aimed to provide the participants a good exposure to the international scientific community in the field of Atmospheric Chemistry climate interaction. The workshop had a series of talks on fundamentals of chemistry-climate modeling and train the next-generation scientists on regional chemistry/chemistry-climate models. Around 7 international experts, 15-20 national experts and approximately 40 Indian participants from various MoES organizations and research institutions participated in this workshop.
IITM celebrated the World Meteorological Day, also popularly known as WMO Day, every year by organising a special lecture based on the theme of the day. The WMO Day theme for 2019 is "the Sun, the Earth and the weather".This year, Prof. Durgesh Tripathi, Associate Professor (Scientist - F) at IUCAA, Pune delivered the World Meteorological Day Special Lecture on 22 March 2018 at IITM. With his expertise in solar atmosphere and climate, and space weather, Prof. Tripathi delivered a talk on "Reaching for the Sun" in lines with the theme of WMO Day 'the Sun, the Earth and the Weather.'