IITM Publication Highlights
Effect of the better representation of the cloud ice-nucleation in WRF microphysics schemes: A case study of a severe storm in India
In this study major differences in the simulations of the thunderstorm (TS) due to microphysical (MP) schemes are observed and attempt is made to improve the ice process. The effect of improved ice and mixed phase, leads to greater latent heating in the middle and upper troposphere resulting in increased updraft and a realistic TS simulation. This seems to be one of the most important process that enhance the intensity of the storm compared to existing microphysical schemes and provides a framework for improvement of thunderstorm simulation Read more... (Halder M. et.al., Atmospheric research, 2014, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2014.10.022) |
Sub-seasonal rainfall variability during extreme monsoon years
Study shows that the performance of Aug+Sept (AS) rainfall (Percentage departure PD) is higher/lower than the June+July (JJ) rainfall when JJ rainfall is in deficit/excess. The JJ Sea Surface Temperatures over the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal are negatively correlated with JJ rainfall and positively correlated with AS minus JJ rainfall PDs. Correlation between JJ SST and AS minus JJ rainfall is statistically significant at the 1% level. Read more... (Kothawale, D.R. et al, Met. and Atmos. Phy., Nov 2014) |
IITM Earth System Model: Transformation of a Seasonal Prediction Model to a Long Term Climate Model
This research paper documents the newly-developed IITM Earth System Model and the fidelity of IITM ESM simulations to address the climate variability and change relevant to South Asian Monsoon. ... Read More... (Swapna P. et al, Bull. American Met. Soc., 2014, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-13-00276.1) |