Scientific Support


Sno Name Designation Division Email Contact No
1 Shri. V. R. Mali Scientific Officer Gr. II PSU vipin[at]tropmet[dot]res[dot]in 020-25904483
2 Shri. V. H. Sasane Scientific Officer Gr. II LIP sasane[at]tropmet[dot]res[dot]in 020-25904440
3 Smt. S. B. Patankar Scientific Officer Gr. I EMU patankar[at]tropmet[dot]res[dot]in 020-25904323
4 Shri. A. R. Dhakate Scientific Assistant Grade - C ACRP dhakate[at]tropmet[dot]res[dot]in 020-25904245
5 Shri. R. T. Waghmare Scientific Assistant Grade - B PDTC ravi[at]tropmet[dot]res[dot]in 020-25904231
6 Shri. K. D. Salunke Scientific Assistant Grade - B SERP salunke[at]tropmet[dot]res[dot]in 020-25904216
7 Smt. P. J. Padwal Scientific Assistant Grade - A PDTC pallavi[at]tropmet[dot]res[dot]in 020-25904252
8 Ms. Aathira Maria Jose Senior Scientific Assistant CCCR - -
9 Shri. Nandi Priyabrata Senior Scientific Assistant ART Bhopal - -
10 Shri. Sunil Kumar Senior Scientific Assistant LLN - -
11 Shri. Vijay Kumar Sagar Senior Scientific Assistant CCCR vijay[dot]sagar[at]tropmet[dot]res[dot]in -


  • AS: Accounts Section
  • CCCVAC: Climate Change, Climate Variability & Atmopheric Chemistry
  • CDD: Computer and Data Division
  • CW: Civil Works
  • DS: Director's Secretariat
  • EMU: Electrical Maintenance Unit
  • EST: Establishment Section
  • GA: General Administration
  • GH: Guest House
  • HPC: High Performance Computing
  • HS: Hindi Section
  • LIP: Library, Informations and Publication Division
  • NDB: New Delhi Branch
  • PDTC: Physics and Dynamics of Tropical Clouds
  • PSU: Purchase and Store Unit
  • SBU: Service Benefit Unit
  • SERP: Seasonal and Extended Range Prediction
  • WS: Workshop