Scientist Profile

Dr. Ankur Srivastava

: Scientist D

: +91-(0)20-25904457

: +91-(0)20-25865142

Email ID
: ankur[at]tropmet[dot]res[dot]in

Monsoons and their predictability
Degree University Year Stream
Ph.D. Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay 2022 Climate Studies
Bachelor of Technology Uttar Pradesh Technical University 2012 Electronics & Instrumentation

 Monsoons and their different modes of variability viz. synoptic, intra-seasonal and inter-annual

 Monsoon teleconnections


 Coupled ocean-atmosphere modelling

 Seasonal Prediction

Award Name Awarded By Awarded For Year
Travel Grant CMIP IPO To attend AOGS 2024 2024
Travel Grant ESMO IPO To attend 39th Working Group on Numerical Experimentation Annual Meeting 2024
Gold Medal SRMCEM, Lucknow Best B.Tech. Project Award 2012
Certificate of Merit Uttar Pradesh Technical University Top 10 performer in the university 2012
Year Designation Institute
2021-Present Scientist D Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune
2017-2020 Scientist C Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune
2014-2016 Scientist B Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune
2012-2013 Trainee Scientist Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune

Research Highlight

Research Report on 2015 Southwest Monsoon

The year, 2015 was recorded as a strong El-Niño year with SST anomalies in the Niño 3.4 region hovering around 2°C. The IITM CFSv2T382 with February Initial conditions was able to forecast a moderately strong El-Niño; however, the magnitude was slightly under-predicted. But the forecast with April ICs had a very good correspondence with the observed SST anomalies in the tropical Pacific & the Niño 3.4 index was very close to observations. The model with both the ICs had predicted neutral dipole mode conditions, and as it turns out, no significant dipolemode conditions were observed. It is interesting to note that forecasts issued by other leading international centers (e.g., NCEP of USAand ECMWF of Europe) could not predict below normal/deficient monsoon signal even with zero lead timeeven though they could simulate strong El Niño. NCEP forecast, which uses the original version of CFSv2,did not show any signal of possible below normal monsoon over India. Same was the case with European Centrefor Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). The success story of the forecasts issued by IITM canmainly be attributed to the high-resolution coupled model implemented at IITM, andrealistic forecast of El-Niño conditions in the tropical Pacific Ocean.

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