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Winter fog experiment over the Indo-Gangetic plains of India | |
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Winter Fog Campaign (WIFEX) was carried out in the winter season of 2015/16 at IGIA, New Delhi through an initiative taken by MoES, GoI and led by IITM. The main aim of WIFEX was to characterize the fog events occurring in Delhi and monitor simultaneously associated dynamics, thermodynamics, microphysics and chemical composition of the gases, aerosols and fog water phases to understand factors responsible for their genesis, intensity and duration. The research paper Ghude S.D. et al, Current Science, 2017 provides an overview on the instruments, experimental set-up and summarizes the preliminary results on fog physical, chemical and optical properties, fog droplet size distribution, microphysics and dynamics. Data collected during WIFEX will be of wide interest to the scientific community. These data will be made available for scientific research according to the MoES data policy. |