Right to Information Act

Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology
Dr. Homi Bhabha Road, Pashan, Pune 411008
Right to Information Act - 2005 (http://cic.gov.in/, http://www.rit.gov.in/rti_slides)
First Appellate Authority : Dr. Krishnan Raghvan, (krish[at]tropmet[dot]res[dot]in, +91-(0)20-25904301(O))
Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) : Dr. Prasanth A. Pillai, Scientist E (prasanth[at]tropmet[dot]res[dot]in, +91-(0)20-25904304)
Assistant Central Public Information Officer (ACPIO) :Smt Yogita Kad (yogitakad[at]tropmet[dot]res[dot]in, +91-(0)20-25904483), Administrative Officer (Purchase and Stores)

Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, situated at Dr. Homi Bhabha Road, Pashan, Pune is an autonomous research organization under the Ministry of Earth Sciences since 12 July 2006, (Formerly it was under the Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi) conducting research in various aspect of atmospheric sciences, particularly those concerning monsoons and tropical climate. Its goal are to enhance knowledge in atmospheric sciences by identifying, planning and conducting research programmes on problems of national and international importance.

The research is conducted in the area of atmospheric sciences like weather forecasting, climatology, monsoon studies, climate modeling, hydrometeorolgy, weather modification, atmospheric chemistry, atmospheric electricity and physics for observationsal studies, theoretical studies and studies including land surface processes.

Its functions and duties are :

  • To promote, guide and conduct research in the field of meteorology in all its aspects, including weather modification, with special reference to the tropics and sub-tropics.
  • To establish, maintain and manage laboratories, workshops and / or other units to assist scientific research in Meteorology.
  • To conduct field experiments connected with the research activities of the Institute.
  • To undertake the design, development and construction of special meteorological instruments for research.
  • To organize training facilities for advanced study and research in Meteorology, and arrange lectures, seminars and symposia in pursuance of the academic work of the Institute and for the diffusion of scientific knowledge.
  • To invite scientists from India and abroad who are actively engaged in research in Meteorology to deliver lectures and participate in the research activities of the Institute.
  • To institute and award fellowships, scholarships, prizes and medals.
  • To co-operate and collaborate with other national and international organizations in the field of Meteorology and allied sciences.
  • To publish the results of research conducted in the Institute.
  • To disseminate information on matters concerning the activities of the Institute.

A. Duties of Director:

  1. The Director is the chief executive of the Institute and is responsible for the day to day management of its activities and overall administration of the Institute. He discharges these responsibilities in accordance with the Rules and Bye-laws of the Institute and any instructions issued by the Governing Council from time to time. All members of the staff of the Institute work under the general control of the Director, who issues standing orders from time to time.
  2. He exercises general supervision over the programme of work and the research projects of the Institute.
  3. Coordination of work : The Director may call for the general plan of work of each Division, Section or group as the case may be, at the beginning of each year and at any other time he may consider necessary, and coordinate the work of the various Division or Sections of the Institute.
  4. The Annual Reports of the Institute is submitted to the Governing Council by the end of June each year for approval.
  5. It shall be the responsibility of the Director to see that all moneys are expended on the purposes for which they are granted or allotted.
  6. He is the custodian of the records and such other property of the Institute as the Council may commit to his charge.
  7. All expenditure within the budget grant shall be approved and sanctioned by the Director, or a member of the staff to whom he had delegated this power with the approval of the Council. The Director has the power to make re-appropriation of budget as per the Govt. norms
  8. He submits the accounts, the budget estimates and other proposals of the Institute to the Council for its consideration.
  9. He conducts all official correspondence on behalf of the Institute and the Council.
  10. He convenes meetings of the Council in consultation with the Chairman
  11. He keeps proper records and minutes of the proceedings of the Council meetings and he is responsible for implementation of the resolutions passed by the Council.
  12. Director selects and makes appointments to the posts under the Institute for which he is the appointing authority.
  13. Director assigns tasks to the staff members of the Institute and exercises overall control including disciplinary control.
  14. Director participates in the national and international conferences. He also nominates members of the staff of the Institute to represent the Institute in national / international conferences.
  15. He executes all contracts, deeds and assurances of property made on behalf of the Institute after approval of the Governing Council.
  16. He draws, makes, endorses cheques, notes or other negotiable instruments for the purpose of the Institute
  17. Director can redelegate some of his powers to any of his subordinate with the approval of the Governing Council.

B. Duties of Scientists ‘G’ and head of the Scientific Divisions :

  1. Scientist ‘G’ and Heads of Scientific Divisions shall participate in and supervise the work of their respective subjects, schemes / projects. The Head of the Division will submit reports on the working of projects in his Division to the Director.
  2. Each Head of the Division shall submit to the Director from time to time or when called upon to do so his research programme and that of the members of staff and scholars working with him and may submit any new scheme of research to be conducted at the Institute that involves any expenditure.

C. Duties of the Librarian:

  1. The Librarian shall be responsible for the custody of books, manuscripts, periodicals etc. belonging to the Library and shall maintain a complete register and index. The purchase of books and journals for the library will be recommended by the Library Committee for approval by the Director. The Rules for the management of the Library shall be framed from time to time, as may be found necessary by the Library Committee appointed by the Director to be responsible for the proper functioning of the Library.
  2. Annual Report : The Librarian shall prepare, by the end of the March every year, a report on the working of the Library for submission to the Director by the Library Committee.
  3. Purchase of Books : The Librarian shall be responsible for purchasing of books approved by the Library Committee or the Director.
  4. Stock taking : The Librarian shall take stock every year of all the books in the Library. The Library Committee may assign personnel to check the report.

D. Duties of Administrative Officer:

  1. The Administrative Officer is the non-member Secretary of the Governing Council.
  2. He assists the Director in all work connected with the meetings of the Governing Council. In all the matters concerning the Institute, he shall act under the general control and orders of the Director
  3. The Administrative Officer is the in - charge of the administration, finances and general maintenance which also includes maintenance and upkeep of the premises and property of the Institute, subject to the instructions of the Director.
  4. The Administrative Officer will be in charge of the administrative staff and the general maintenance staff of the Institute.
  5. He shall prepare the Annual Budget Estimates of the Institute for submission to the Director.

E. Duties of other Officers :

  1. The duties of other officers will be as prescribed by the Director. They will work under the control of the Director in accordance with the standing instructions issued by him from time to time.

Director is the chief executor and responsible for the day to day management of the activities of the Institute and overall administration in accordance with the Rules and Bye-laws and other instructions issued by the Governing Council from time to time. All the decisions relating to finance and administration are taken by him.

The Heads of each division will submit reports on the working of projects in his division to Director. All new schemes of research to be conducted at the Institute shall be submitted to the Director for sanction. The Administrative Officer and Accounts Officers shall advice the Director in all matters relating the administration and finance of the Institute.

All scientific data

General information relating to the Institute activities

Scientists of the Institute have obtained sponsored projects from various Ministries viz. DST, DOD, CSIR, ISRO etc. on various aspects of the meteorology Viz. dendroclimatology, Arabian Sea Monsoon experiments, Antarctica experiments and land campaign for measuring aerosol, trace gases etc. and also provides consultancy by way of guidance in respect of scientific aspects of weather modifications experiments to state governments and also undertakes research programme in collaboration with USA, UK France and Bulgaria on the issue of climate change, remote sensing studies of Atmospheric Boundary Layers and aerosol optical characterization. (List of Research projects)

It has designed Institute’s research and achievements in the web-site

Library is made available to its staff including retired officers and research students. It is not maintained for public use.

 Central Public Information Officer (CPIO):   Dr. Prasanth A. Pillai, Scientist E

Assistant Central Public Information Officer (ACPIO) : Smt Yogita Kad, Administrative Officer (Purchase and Stores)

Quarter Name Uploaded Date PDF
2nd Quarter (Jul-Sep)2019-2020 11/02/2020 PDF
1st Quarter (Apr-Jun)2019-2020 11/02/2020 PDF
4th Quarter (Jan-Mar)2018-2019 11/02/2020 PDF
3nd Quarter (Oct-Dec)2018-2019 25/02/2019 PDF
2nd Quarter (Jul-Sep)2018-2019 07/12/2018 PDF
Ist Quarter (Apr-Jun)2018-2019 07/12/2018 PDF
Title Uploaded Date PDF
Quarterly Report of Purchase Orders / Work Orders for the quarter January 2024 to March 2024 21/05/2024 PDF
Quarterly Report of Purchase Orders / Work Orders for the quarter October 2023 to December 2023 21/05/2024 PDF
Quarterly Report of Purchase Orders / Work Orders for the quarter July 2023 to September 2023 21/05/2024 PDF
Quarterly Report of Purchase Orders / Work Orders for the quarter April 2023 to June 2023 25/09/2023 PDF
Quarterly Report of Purchase Orders / Work Orders for the quarter January 2023 to March 2023 25/09/2023 PDF
Quarterly Report of Purchase Orders / Work Orders for the quarter October 2022 to December 2022 31/01/2023 PDF
Quarterly Report of Purchase Orders / Work Orders for the quarter July 2022 to September 2022 31/01/2023 PDF
Quarterly Report of Purchase Orders / Work Orders for the quarter April 2022 to June 2022 26/08/2022 PDF
Quarterly Report of Purchase Orders / Work Orders for the quarter January 2022 to March 2022 06/06/2022 PDF
Quarterly Report of Purchase Orders / Work Orders for the quarter October 2021 to December 2021 06/06/2022 PDF
Quarterly Report of Purchase Orders / Work Orders for the quarter July 2021 to September 2021 02/12/2021 PDF
Quarterly Report of Purchase Orders / Work Orders for the quarter April 2021 to June 2021 25/08/2021 PDF
Quarterly report comprising of POs and WOs issued by Purchase Section, IITM during January-March 2021 25/06/2021 PDF
Quarterly report comprising of POs and WOs issued by Purchase Section, IITM during October-December 2020 28/01/2021 PDF
Quarterly report comprising of POs and WOs issued by Purchase Section, IITM during July-September 2020 28/01/2021 PDF
Quarterly report comprising of POs and WOs issued by Purchase Section, IITM during April-June 2020 29/01/2020 PDF
Quarterly report comprising of POs and WOs issued by Purchase Section, IITM during January-March 2020 29/01/2020 PDF
Quarterly report comprising of POs and WOs issued by Purchase Section, IITM during October-December 2019 29/01/2020 PDF
Quarterly report comprising of POs and WOs issued by Purchase Section, IITM during July-September 2019 01/11/2019 PDF
Quarterly report comprising of POs and WOs issued by Purchase Section, IITM during April-June 2019 16/07/2019 PDF
Quarterly report comprising of POs and WOs issued by Purchase Section, IITM during Jan-Mar 2019 02/04/2019 PDF
Quarterly report comprising of POs and WOs issued by Purchase Section, IITM during October-December 2018 23/01/2019 PDF
Transparency Audit of Disclosures u/s 4 of the Right to Information Act by the Public Authorities 03/12/2018 PDF
A Framework for Transparency Audit 03/12/2018 PDF
Quarterly report comprising of POs and WOs issued by Purchase Section, IITM during July-September 2018 19/11/2018 PDF
Quarterly report of Tenders, POs & WOs issued by Purchase Section, IITM during April-June 2018 17/08/2018 PDF
Title Uploaded Date PDF
Quarterly Report of Purchase Orders / Work Orders placed by the Purchase Section, IITM during April 2023 to June 2023 08-09-2023 PDF
Quarterly Report of Purchase Orders / Work Orders placed by the Purchase Section, IITM during January 2023 to March 2023 08-09-2023 PDF
Quarterly report : POs WOs Purchase Section Quarterly report comprising of POs and WOs issued by Purchase Section, IITM during 01st January 2020 to 31st March 2020 03-07-2020 PDF
Quarterly report : POs WOs Purchase Section Quarterly report comprising of POs and WOs issued by Purchase Section, IITM during 01st April 2019 to 30th June 2019 16-07-2019 PDF
Quarterly report : POs WOs Purchase Section Quarterly report comprising of POs and WOs issued by Purchase Section, IITM during July 2018 to September 2018 19-11-2018 PDF
PO-WOs-April-June2018 Web publication of quarterly report of Tenders, POs & WOs issued by Purchase Section during April 2018 to June 2018. 17-08-2018 PDF
Name IITM No. Year PDF
More Asha B IITMT/R/E/23/00001 11-02-2023 PDF PDF
mukesh c m IITMT/R/E/23/00002 17-02-2023 PDF PDF
yogendra saini IITMT/R/E/23/00003 17-02-2023 PDF PDF
Pranay Parte IITMT/R/E/23/00004 20-03-2023 PDF PDF
Shashi Prabha IITMT/R/E/23/00007 11-05-2023 PDF
Ruchi Pandey IITMT/R/E/23/00013 06-06-2023 PDF
Hemant IITMT/R/E/23/00014 06-06-2023 PDF
Asha More IITMT/R/E/23/00015 21-06-2023 PDF PDF
Hemant Parashar IITMT/R/E/23/00021 27-06-2023 PDF
SHOBHIT GUPTA IITMT/R/E/23/00023 01-07-2023 PDF
Ratan Sarkar IITMT/R/E/23/00025 15-08-2023 PDF
PRABHAKAR IITMT/R/E/23/00026 17-08-2023 PDF PDF
Syed Ahmed IITMT/R/E/23/00029 25-09-2023 PDF
Syed Ahmed IITMT/R/E/23/00030 27-09-2023 PDF
Dr. Gufranullah Beig IITMT/R/E/23/00031 04-10-2023 PDF
Gufranullah Beig IITMT/R/E/23/00032 09-10-2023 PDF
SREEJIT RAMESHAN IITMT/R/E/23/00033 11-10-2023 PDF
SREEJIT RAMESHAN IITMT/R/E/23/00034 11-10-2023 PDF
SREEJIT RAMESHAN IITMT/R/E/23/00035 11-10-2023 PDF
Ankur Srivastava IITMT/R/E/23/00039 03-11-2023 PDF
Syed Ahmed IITMT/R/E/23/00043 13-11-2023 PDF
Syed Ahmed IITMT/R/E/23/00046 11-12-2023 PDF
Sourabh Narayan Tiwari IITMT/R/E/23/00049 19-01-2024 PDF
J GURUBHARAN IITMT/R/T/23/00003 26-06-2023 PDF
gowtham IITMT/R/T/23/00004 04-07-2023 PDF
Shyamlal Yadav IITMT/R/T/23/00007 05-12-2023 PDF
Kaushik B IITMT/R/T/23/00008 15-12-2023 PDF
Kaushik B IITMT/R/T/23/00009 15-12-2023 PDF
Anurag Sinha IITMT/R/E/22/00001 04/02/2022 PDF
mukesh c m IITMT/R/E/22/00004 23/02/2022 PDF
Vishu Kumari IITMT/R/E/22/00006 27/07/2022 PDF PDF
omkar gohad IITMT/R/E/22/00008 07/08/2022 PDF PDF
abhishek kishore prasad IITMT/R/E/22/00009 08/08/2022 PDF
Somnath Baban Gaikwad IITMT/R/E/22/00011 16/08/2022 PDF PDF
Anjali Marar IITMT/R/E/22/00012 28/08/2022 PDF PDF
Anjali Marar IITMT/R/E/22/00013 28/08/2022 PDF PDF
Kiran IITMT/R/E/22/00015 07/09/2022 PDF PDF
Smt.Asha More IITMT/R/E/22/00016 09/09/2022 PDF PDF
Ravi IITMT/R/E/22/00017 09/09/2022 PDF PDF
Savita IITMT/R/E/22/00018 10/09/2022 PDF PDF
Suyash Shri IITMT/R/E/22/00020 02/10/2022 PDF PDF
J. Madhav IITMT/R/E/22/00021 06/10/2022 PDF
Jaindar IITMT/R/E/22/00022 10/10/2022 PDF PDF
Shiv Kumar IITMT/R/E/22/00023 12/10/2022 PDF PDF
Ravi IITMT/R/E/22/00024 13/10/2022 PDF PDF
Kiran IITMT/R/E/22/00026 13/10/2022 PDF PDF
Sameer Mohol IITMT/R/E/22/00027 18/10/2022 PDF PDF
Mohan Mukesh Malviya IITMT/R/E/22/00028 27/10/2022 PDF PDF
Ravi Kumar IITMT/R/E/22/00029 28/10/2022 PDF PDF
सौरभ कुमार IITMT/R/E/22/00032 01/11/2022 PDF PDF
prakhar saxena IITMT/R/E/22/00035 11/11/2022 PDF PDF
Sanjeeb Thakur IITMT/R/E/22/00037 04/12/2022 PDF PDF
BHUPESH KUMAR IITMT/R/T/22/00001 05/01/2022 PDF PDF
Sajeev S L IITMT/R/T/22/00002 10/01/2022 PDF
anurag Sinha IITMT/R/T/22/00003 04/02/2022 PDF
N T Niyas IITMT/R/T/22/00004 09/02/2022 PDF PDF
N T Niyas IITMT/R/T/22/00005 24/02/2022 PDF PDF
Amit Pradhan IITMT/R/T/22/00006 28/03/2022 PDF PDF
Deewan IITMT/R/T/22/00009 08/09/2022 PDF PDF
Kumar Anurag IITMT/R/T/22/00011 31/10/2022 PDF PDF
Kumar Anurag IITMT/R/T/22/00012 10/11/2022 PDF
Kumar Anurag IITMT/R/T/22/00013 11/11/2022 PDF
Smt. Anjana Sunil Gaikwad IITM/RTI/March 21/363 2021 PDF
Shri Subhrajit Rath IITM/RTI/Jan-21/247 2021 PDF
Shri Omkar Gulabsingh Patil IITM/RTI/March-20 2020 PDF
Shri Shyamlal Yadav IITM/RTI/March-20 2020 PDF
Neha Reddy Nelly IITM/RTI/Feb. 20 2020 PDF
Shri Ajay Maruti Chole IITM/RTI/Feb. 20 2020 PDF
Shri Eknath Pawar IITM/RTI/Jan. 20/2539 2020 PDF
Shri Jaichakravarthy IITM/RTI/Dec. 19/2169 2019 PDF
Shri Jaichakravarthy IITM/RTI/Nov. 19/2154 2019 PDF
Dr. Omkar Nath Shukla IITM/RTI/Nov. 19/173/2152 2019 PDF
Shri Kushagra IITM/RTI/Nov. 19/2150 2019 PDF
Shri Yatish IITM/RTI/Nov. 19/2082 2019 PDF
Smt. Shalini Prem IITM/RTI/Oct. 19 2019 PDF
Shri Aditya Kumar IITM/RTI/April/19-3 2019 PDF
Shri Siddharth Saroha IITM/RTI/July 19-1/1198 2019 PDF
Shri Shamshad Ahmed IITM/RTI/June 19-3/874 2019 PDF
Shri Seemanth M. IITM/RTI/March 19-2 2019 PDF
Shri Rajat Tripathi IITM/RTI/March 19-2/57 2019 PDF
Shri Eknath Pawar IITM/RTI/March 19-4/56 2019 PDF
Shri Deepak Kumar IITM/RTI/May 18-2/660 2018 PDF
Manju Singh IITM/RTI/13-14/8-1/1541 2018 PDF
Anshumaan IITM/RTI/Dec.18-1/2145 2018 PDF
Neetu IITM/RTI/Nov.18-1/2013 2018 PDF
Risbud Prakash IITM/RTI/Oct.18-1/1807 2018 PDF
Dr. Palak Guhathakurta IITMT-R-2018-50010 2018 PDF
Pradeep Chorage IITMT/R/2018/50010 2018 PDF
Shri Makrand Vishwanath Patil IITM/RTI/Apr17-1 2017 PDF
Mr. L. D. Agarwal IITM/RTI/Ma17-1 2017 PDF
Mr. Samadhan Birare IITM/RTI/Mr17-2/58 2017 PDF
Mr. Nirmal Kumar Bhagat IITM/RTI/Mr17-3 2017 PDF
Mr. Nirmal Kumar Bhagat IITM/RTI/Mr17-4/49 2017 PDF
Mr. Eknath Pawar RTI/Fb17-2/reply-L1/3930 2017 PDF
Audit Year Auditing Agency Report
2023-24 IRMRA

Last updated on: 19th July 2024