1 |
Advertisement No: A-12/1/2024-O/o US (ESTT) dt. 30th October, 2024
for the post of Director, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune 
10-12-2024 |
10-01-2025 |
2 |
Advertisement No: PER/07/2023 dt. 21st November, 2024
Phase - III Recruitment of various project posts Last date for receiving the application is 05th December, 2024 (1700 hrs.) 
Phase - IV Details/ updates regarding Phase IV recruitment will be uploaded on the IITM website only. 
21-11-2024 |
05-12-2024 |
3 |
Advertisement No: PER/13/2024 dt.18th November, 2024
Walk-in interview for the post of Program Officer under EIACP project and Project Associate - I under RSPCB project for IITM Pune. 
18-11-2024 |
22-11-2024 |
Result for the recruitment of Program Officer under EIACP project & PA-I under RSPCB project.
Remarks / Clarification
Walk-in-Interview for the post of:
Program Officer (EIACP) – Morning Session (Reporting Timing: 08.30 to 09.30 hrs)
Project Associate – I (RSPCB) - Afternoon Session (Reporting Timing: 12.30 to 13.30 hrs)
4 |
Advertisement No: PER/11/2024 dt. 4th October, 2024
Walk-in interview on 8th October for the post of Field / Laboratory Assistant under URBMET project for IITM Pune.
Proforma for the post of Field / Laboratory Assistant.
Scheme of examination for the post of Field / Laboratory Assistant
04-10-2024 |
08-10-2024 |
Result for the recruitment of Field / Laboratory Assisstant.
5 |
Advertisement No: PER/12/2024 dt. 4th October, 2024
Walk-in interview on 8th October for the post of Field / Laboratory Assistant under URBMET project for IITM New Delhi Branch.
Proforma for the post of Field / Laboratory Assistant.
Scheme of examination for the post of Field / Laboratory Assistant
04-10-2024 |
08-10-2024 |
Result for the recruitment of Field / Laboratory Assisstant.
6 |
Advt. No: No.MoES/P.O/DOM/Rectt.MD/2023
for the post of Mission Director
06-09-2024 |
20-09-2024 |
7 |
Advertisement No: PER/09/2024 dt. 28.08.2024
Walk-in Interview on 02.09.2024 for the Post of Medical Consultant, Physiotherapist and Nurse (One Post Each)
28-08-2024 |
02-09-2024 |
Result for the post of Medical Consultant, Physiotherapist and Nurse
Walk-in-Interview on 02.09.2024
- • Medical Consultant - Reporting Time: 9.30 AM
- • Physiotherapist - Reporting Time: 10.30 AM
- • Nurse - Reporting Time: 11.30 AM
8 |
Advertisement No: PER/08/2024 dt. 08 July 2024
for Research Fellowships under MoES Research Fellow Program (MRFP) at MoES organizations.
08-07-2024 |
10-08-2024 |
Result for the recruitment of MRFP Research Fellow Position.
List of shortlisted Candidates for the Post of MRFP JRFs Batch-5, 2024 for interview
9 |
Advertisement No: PER/7/2024 dt. 14 June 2024
Walk in- Interview on 18.06.2024 for the Post of Medical Consultant for IITM, New Delhi Branch purely on temporary and short-term contract basis.
14-06-2024 |
18-06-2024 |
Result for the post of Medical Consultant
Walk-in Interview on 18.06.2024 Between 09.00-10.00 hrs. at IITM, New Delhi Branch
10 |
Advertisement No: PER/07/2023 dt. 17 May 2024
Phase -II Recruitment of various project posts
Phase -III - Details/ updates regarding Phase III recruitment will be uploaded on the IITM website only. The application portal shall be active from 22.05.2024 (1700 hrs).
Instructions to candidate
17-05-2024 |
18-06-2024 |
Result for the recruitment of various project posts
Time Slots for Training Co-ordinator
Time Slots for Project Scientist - III
Time Slots for Project Scientist - II
Time Slots for Project Scientist - I
Time Slots for Project Associate - II
Time Slots for Project Associate - I
Time Slots for Research Associate
Time Slots for Senior Project Associate
List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Project Scientist- III
List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Project Scientist- II
List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Project Scientist- I
List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Project Associate- I
List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Project Associate - II
List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Senior Project Associate
List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Training Co-ordinator
List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Research Associate
11 |
Advertisement No: PER/06/2024 dt. 17 May 2024
for the post of Scientific Officer Grade - I (Library & Information)
Facility of submitting online applications will commence on 20/05/2024 by 05.00 p.m. and close on 18/06/2024 by 06.00 p.m.
Instructions to candidate
17-05-2024 |
18-06-2024 |
Result for the post of Scientific Officer Grade-I (Library and Information)
List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Scientific Officer Grade - I (Library & Information)
12 |
Advertisement No: PER/05/2024 dt. 11th May 2024
Walk-in interview for the post of Project Associate - I (RSPCB) and Associate Engineer (IT)
Proforma for the post of Project Associate - I (RSPCB)
Proforma for the post of Associate Engineer (IT)
11-05-2024 |
17-05-2024 |
Result for the post of Project Associate - I (RSPCB).
Result for the post of Associate Engineer (IT).
Remarks / Clarification
Walk-in-Interview for the post of:
Project Associate – I (RSPCB) – Morning Session (Reporting Timing: 08.30 to 09.30 hrs)
Associate Engineer (IT) – Afternoon Session (Reporting Timing: 13.30 to 14.30 hrs)
13 |
Advertisement No: PER-07-2023 -PHASE-II 15 April 2024
for the post of IITM Project Manager The application portal shall be active from 15.04.2024 (1700 hrs) to 03.05.2024 (1700 hrs).
10-04-2024 |
03-05-2024 |
Result for the post of Project Manager (NMM).
List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Project Manager (NMM2021-001)
14 |
Advt. No. PER/04/2024 dt. 01 March 2024
for the post of IITM Research Fellow The application portal shall be active from 04.03.2024 (1700 hrs) to 15.04.2024 (1700 hrs).
01-03-2024 |
15-04-2024 |
Result for the post of IITM Research Fellows
Shortlisted candidates for IITM Research fellows for online interview.
15 |
Advertisement No: PER/04/2024 dt. 01 March 2024
for the post of IITM Research Associate The application portal shall be active from 04.03.2024 (1700 hrs) to 15.04.2024 (1700 hrs).
01-03-2024 |
15-04-2024 |
Result for the post of IITM Research Associate
Shortlisted candidates for IITM Research Associate for online interview.
16 |
Advertisement No: PER /03/2024 dt. 14 February 2024
walk-in interview for the post of Scientific Administrative Assistant at Kolhapur
Scheme of examination for the post Scientific Administrative Assistant
Proforma for the post of Scientific Administrative Assistant
14-02-2024 |
22-02-2024 |
Result for the post of Scientific Administrative Assistant (at Kolhapur).
walk-in interview for the post of Scientific Administrative Assistant at Kolhapur
17 |
Advt. No: PER/02/2024 dt.10 February 2024
Walk-in interview for the post of Technical Associate (ARDE) & Associate Engineer (LIP)
Proforma for the post of Technical Associate (ARDE)
Proforma for the post of Associate Engineer (LIP)
10-02-2024 |
16-02-2024 |
Result for the post of Technical Associate (ARDE) & Associate Engineer (LIP)
18 |
Advertisement No: PER /01/2024 dt.10 February 2024
walk-in interview for the post of IT/GIS Officer (EIACP)
Proforma for the post of IT/GIS Officer (EIACP)
10-02-2024 |
15-02-2024 |
Result for the post of IT/GIS Officer (EIACP)
Walk in interview for the post of IT/GIS Officer (EIACP): 15.02.2024 (Morning Session)
19 |
Advertisement No: F.No.MoES/P.O/DOM/Rectt.MD/2023 dated 01 December 2023
for the post of Mission Director for Deep Ocean Mission purely on contract basis for MoESHqrs or any of MoES Institutes. Last date for receiving the application is 09th February, 2024
18-01-2024 |
09-02-2024 |
20 |
Advertisement No: PER/13/2023 dt. 21 December 2023
Walk in Interview (Hybrid Mode) for one post of Senior Expert Media Consultant on 28th December 2023, at 0830Hrs at IITM Pune
Application form for the post of Senior Expert Media Consultant
21-12-2023 |
28-12-2023 |
Result for the post of Senior Expert Media Consultant
21 |
Advertisement No: PER/12/2023 dt. 04 December 2023
Walk-in interview for the post of program coordinator-I (various project)
Proforma for the post of program coordinator-I (various project)
04-12-2023 |
08-12-2023 |
Result for the post of program coordinator-I
(various project)
22 |
Advertisement No: PER/11/2023 dt. 27 October 2023
for the post of Research Associate-II under the DST-funded BRICS AIESMx Project
27-10-2023 |
20-11-2023 |
Result for the post of Research Associates II under the DST BRICS AIESMx Project
List of candidates shortlisted for interview for the post of Research Associate-II under the DST-BRICS AIESMx Project
23 |
Advertisement No: PER/10/2023 dt. 20 October 2023
Walk-in interview for the post of Program Officer (EIACP) & Associate Engineer (Audio -Video)
Proforma for the post of Program Officer (EIACP)
Proforma for the post of Associate Engineer (Audio Video)
20-10-2023 |
31-10-2023 |
Result for the post of Associate Engineer (AV)
Result for the post of Program Officer (EIACP)
24 |
Advertisement No: PER/09/2023 dt. 08 Sep 2023
Walk-in interview for the post of Associate Engineer (Audio -Video) & Medical Consultant.
Proforma for the post of Associate Engineer
Proforma for the post of Medical Consultant
08-09-2023 |
18-09-2023 |
Result for the post of Associate Engineer (Audio-Video)
Result for the post of Medical Consultant
Remarks/ Clarification:
Please treat last date as date of Walk in interview for each post:
For the post of Associate Engineer: 12.09.2023
For the post of Medical Consultant: 18.09.2023
25 |
Advertisement No: PER/08/2023 dt. 25 Jul 2023
Walk in interview for the Project Associate -I on 31st July, 2023 at Tezpur University, Assam
25-07-2023 |
31-07-2023 |
Result for the post of Project Associate- I at KNP, Assam
26 |
Advertisement No: PER/07/2023 dt. 11 Jul 2023
Phase -I Recruitment of various project posts
Instructions to candidate
Corrigendum to post code DESK2021-007
Phase -II - Details/ updates regarding Phase II recruitment will be uploaded on the IITM website only. 
11-07-2023 |
04-08-2023 |
Result for the recruitment of various project posts
Time Slots for Project Scientist - III
Time Slots for Project Scientist - II
Time Slots for Project Scientist - I
Time Slots for Project Associate - I
Time Slots for Project Associate - II
Interview Schedule (Online Mode) for the shortlisted candidates for the various posts
Corrigendum to the list of shortlisted candidates for the post of Project Scientist- II
Corrigendum to the list of shortlisted candidates for the post of Project Scientist- I
Corrigendum to the list of shortlisted candidates for the post of Project Associate- I
List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Project Scientist- III
List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Project Scientist- II
List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Project Scientist- I
List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Project Associate- I
List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Project Associate - II
27 |
Advertisement No: PER/06/2023 dt. 04 Jul 2023
Walk in interview for the post of Project Associate -I on 10.07.2023 at IITM, New Delhi Branch
04-07-2023 |
10-07-2023 |
Result for the post of Project Associate -I
28 |
Advertisement No : PER/05/2023 dt. 25 May 2023
Phase I - Program Officer, IT/GIS Officer, Data Entry Operator and Technical Assistant
Advt. under EIACP Project for the post of: a) Program Officer [Walk in interview on 31.05.2023] b) IT/GIS Officer and Data Entry Operator [Walk in interview on 01.06.2023]
Advt. for the post of Technical Assistant under DESK Project for Library [Written/Skill test on 02.06.2023]
Phase II - Technical Assistant and Project Assistant
25-05-2023 |
02-06-2023 |
Result for various posts against advt. No. PER/05/2023- Phase I
Remarks/ Clarification:
Please treat last date as date of Walk in interview / Written Test for each post:
a) Program Officer: 31.05.2023
b) IT/GIS Officer and Data Entry Operator: 01.06.2023
c) Technical Assistant (Library): 02.06.2023
29 |
Advertisement No.: PER/04/2023 dt. 12 May 2023
for the post of IITM Research Associate
12-05-2023 |
26-06-2023 |
Result for the recruitment of IITM Research Associate positions
List of candidates shortlisted for interview for IITM Research Associate positions and interview schedule.
30 |
Advertisement No.: PER/04/2023 dt. 12 May 2023
for the post of IITM Research Fellow 
12-05-2023 |
26-06-2023 |
Result for the recruitment of IITM Research Fellow positions
List of candidates shortlisted for interview for IITM Research Fellow positions along with the interview schedule
31 |
Advertisement No.: PER/04/2023 dt. 12 May 2023
for Research Fellowships under MoES Research Fellow Program (MRFP) at MoES organizations 
12-05-2023 |
26-06-2023 |
Result for the recruitment of MRFP Research Fellow
Revised List of Shortlisted Candidates for the Post of MRFP JRFs Batch-4, 2023 for interview
List of shortlisted Candidates for the Post of MRFP JRFs Batch-4, 2023 for interview.
32 |
Advertisement No: PER/03/2023 dt. 27 Apr 2023
Instructions to candidate
27-04-2023 |
15-06-2023 |
Result for the post of Section Officer on Deputation/Absorption basis.
Corrigendum to the list of candidates recommended to be called for interview for the post of Section Officer (4 Posts) on Deputation/Absorption
List of recommended candidates to be called for interview for the post of Section Officer on (Deputation/Absorption basis)
33 |
Advertisement No: PER/02/2023 dt. 13 Apr 2023
Walk in interview (written & skill test) at New Delhi for the post of Field Worker WALK in interview is scheduled on 17.04.2023 (Reporting Time 0800hrs.-1000hrs.)
13-04-2023 |
17-04-2023 |
Result for the post of Field Worker -01 post
Scheme for Examination for Field Worker
34 |
Advertisement No: PER/01/2023 dt. 09 January 2023
for the posts of Program Manager and Project Consultant
09-01-2023 |
25-01-2023 |
35 |
Advertisement No: PER/08/2022 dt. 26 December 2022
For the post of Consultant (02) WALK-IN INTERVIEW ON 04.01.2023 (02.00 PM)
26-12-2022 |
04-01-2023 |
Result for the post of Consultant- 02 Posts
(Accounts & General Administration)
36 |
Advertisement No: PER-05-2022 and Advertisement No. PER-07-2022.
07-11-2022 |
09-11-2022 |
Result for the post of Technical Assistant
Scheme and pattern of examination for the post of Technical Assistant scheduled to be held on 29.03.2023
Result for the recruitment of Project Associate I under various project posts against the Advt No. PER/05/2022 & PER/07/2022.
Medical Examination form
Result for the recruitment of various project posts against the Advt No. PER/05/2022 & PER/07/2022
Result for the post of Associate Engineer (Electrical)
37 |
Advt. No: PER/07/2022 dt. 30 August 2022
Recruitment of various project posts
Further updates regarding project positions may be published/uploaded by 30th Nov.2022 in this website only .Hence candidates are advised to regularly check the website.
Instructions to candidate
30-08-2022 |
23-09-2022 |
• List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Project Associate -I
• List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Project Scientist -II [Comp. Appl. Support Sc.]
• List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Project Scientist -II
• List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Project Scientist -III
38 |
Advertisement No: PER/06/2022 dt. 30 August 2022
Phase II Recruitment for the post of Senior Scientific Assistant
Instructions to candidate
30-08-2022 |
28-10-2022 |
Result for the post of Senior Scientific Assistant
Scheme and Pattern of the test for the post of Senior Scientific Assistant scheduled to be held on 25.03.2023
List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Senior Scientific Assistant
This is to once again bring to the notice of all those candidates who have applied / applying against the Phase-II Advt. No. PER/06/2022 for the post of Senior Scientific Assistant, that they have to forward hard copy of online application alongwith copies of relevant documents by the stipulated date’s mentioned in the advertisement.
In case no hard copy is received their candidature will be rejected.
39 |
Advt. No: PER/06/2022 dt. 30 August 2022
Phase II Recruitment for the post of Upper Division Clerk
Instructions to candidate
30-08-2022 |
28-10-2022 |
Result for the post of Upper Division Clerk
Corrigendum to the list of shortlisted candidates for the post of Upper Division Clerk
Scheme and Pattern of the test for the post of Upper Division Clerk scheduled to be held on 26.03.2023
List of Shortlisted Candidates for the Post of Upper Division Clerk
This is to once again bring to the notice of all those candidates who have applied / applying against the Phase-II Advt. No. PER/06/2022 for the post of Upper Division Clerk, that they have to forward hard copy of online application alongwith copies of relevant documents by the stipulated date’s mentioned in the advertisement.
In case no hard copy is received their candidature will be rejected.
40 |
Advertisement No. PER/06/2022 dt. 21st july 2022
PHASE I A) Scientist D,C and B
21-07-2022 |
23-09-2022 |
Result for the post of Scientist B
Schedule of interview - physical mode for the post of Scientist B
Corrigendum to the list of shortlisted candidates to be called for interview for the post of Scientist B
Instructions to the Shortlisted Candidates for the Interview - Physical mode for the post of Scientist - B
List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Scientist B
Result for the post of Scientist D
Result for the post of Scientist C
List of shortlisted candidates for the final round of interview for the post of Scientist 'D'
List of shortlisted candidates for the final round of interview for the post of Scientist 'C'
Time slot for the 1st round of interview (online mode) for the post of Scientist D- 01 post on Direct Recruitment basis
Time slot for the 1st round of interview (online mode) for the post of Scientist C- 02 posts on Direct Recruitment basis
Corrigendum to the list of Shortlisted Candidates to be called for 1st round of Interview (online mode) for the post of Scientist C - 02 Posts on Direct Recruitment basis
Corrigendum to the list of Shortlisted Candidates to be called for 1st round of interview (online mode) for the post of Scientist D- 01 post on Direct Recruitment basis
41 |
Advertisement No: PER/06/2022 dt. 21 july 2022
PHASE I B) Accounts Officer and Adminitrative Officer
21-07-2022 |
23-09-2022 |
Result for the post of Administrative Officer (General Administration)
Result for the post of Administrative Officer (Purchase and Stores)
Result for the post of Accounts Officer
Revised Interview Schedule.
Interview postponed due to Administrative Reasons
3. List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Administrative Officer- General Administration- One post.
2. List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Administrative Officer- Purchase and Stores - One post
1. List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Accounts Officer - One post
This is to once again bring to the notice of all those candidates who have applied / applying against the Phase-I Advt. No. PER/06/2022 for the posts of Accounts Officer, Administrative Officer (Purchase and Stores), Administrative Officer (General Administration), that they have to forward hard copy of online application alongwith copies of relevant documents by 30.09.2022.
In case no hard copy is received their candidature will be rejected.
The link for the posts of Accounts Officer, Administrative Officer (Purchase and Stores) & Administrative Officer (General Administration) has been reactivated.
Due to some technical errors all the candidates applied for the posts till date are requested to resubmit the online application and forward the hard copy of the application again.
The last date of online application is extended upto 23.09.2022 by 06.00 p.m. and the last date for forwarding of hard copy of the application has also been extended upto 30.09.2022 by 05.00 p.m.
All other terms and conditions will remain unchanged including maximum age limit to be taken as per the earlier closing date i.e. 56 years as on 16.09.2022.
42 |
Advertisement No: PER/05/2022 dt. 11 July 2022
RECRUITMENT OF VARIOUS PROJECT POSTS Further updates regarding this recruitment will be published/uploaded in this website only. Hence candidates are advised to regularly check the website
Instructions to candidates
The last date of online application for the post of Program Manager is extended to 31.08.2022 by 06.00 p.m.
11-07-2022 |
31-08-2022 |
The advt. for the posts of Program Manager [code DESK2021-004 & Project Consultant [code CVP2022-007] is cancelled and refer advt. No.PER-01-2023 for fresh advertisement
Corrigendum to the list of candidates shortlisted for the post of Project Scientist -II [POST CODE HACPL2021-004]
8. List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Project Associate -I
The post of Project Scientist -III [Post Code CVP2022-001] advertised vide PER/05/2022 has been cancelled and is re-advertised vide advt. No. PER/07/2022
The post of Program Manager re-advertised vide advt. no. PER/05/2022
7. List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Project Scientist -II
6. List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Project Scientist -III
Corrigendum to the list of candidate shortlisted for the post of Project Scientist -I
5. List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Technical Assistant.
4. List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Associate Engineer (Electrical)
3. List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Project Associate - II
2. List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Senior Project Associate
1. List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Project Scientist -I
43 |
Advt. No.PER/04/2022 dt. 30 June 2022
30-06-2022 |
05-07-2022 |
Result for the post of Project Assistant at Kaziranga National Park, Assam
44 |
Advt. No. PER/03/2022 dt. 20 May 2022
Instructions to candidates
20-05-2022 |
15-07-2022 |
Result for the post of Hindi Officer
List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Hindi Officer
45 |
Advt. No: PER/03/2022 dt. 20 May 2022
Instructions to candidates 
20-05-2022 |
15-07-2022 |
Result for the post of Stenographer Grade III
Scheme & Instructions to the shortlisted candidate for written & skill test for the post of Stenographer Grade -III scheduled to be held on Saturday, 27th August, 2022, 0800 hrs. onwards
List of shortlisted candidates for written & skill test for the post of Stenographer Grade - III
46 |
Advertisement No: PER/02/2022 dt. 12 May 2022
Instructions to candidates
12-05-2022 |
27-06-2022 |
Result for the post of IITM Research Fellows
Result for the post of IITM Research Associate
List of candidates shortlisted for the interview for IITM Research Fellow positions
Date & time slot for the interview of candidates shortlisted for the IITM Research Associate positions
Dates of online written examination/ interview for the recruitment of IITM Research Associate & Research Fellow positions.
List of Candidates Shortlisted for Interview for IITM Research Associates position
List of Candidates Shortlisted for Online Written Examination for IITM Research Fellow position
47 |
Advertisement No: Per/02/2022 dt. 12th May 2022
Instructions to candidates
12-05-2022 |
27-06-2022 |
Result for the post of Research fellowships under MRFP research fellow program at MoES organizations
List of eligible candidates shortlisted for the interviews (Online mode) for the MRFP JRFs. A formal interview call letter will be intimated soon.
48 |
Revival Notice dt. 28 Mar. 2022
for Advt. No.PER/01/2021
28-03-2022 |
15-05-2022 |
Medical Examination form
Result for various project posts against Advt. No. PER/01/2021
49 |
Advertisement No: PER/01/ENVIS/2022 dt. 04 Feb. 2022
For the post of Program Officer and Data Entry Operator
Proforma for the application
04-02-2022 |
11-02-2022 |
Result for Program Officer & Data Entry Operator
50 |
Advt No. PER/01/2021 dated 2nd July 2021
Scheme and Pattern of the examination for shortlisted candidates for the post of Scientific Administrative Assistant, Field Worker, Project Assistant & Technical Assistant
07-10-2021 |
16-10-2021 |
Recruitment stands cancelled due to administrative reasons.
Scheme and Pattern of the examination for the post of Scientific Administrative Assistant, Field Worker, Project Assistant & Technical Assistant scheduled to be held on 16.10.2021
51 |
Advertisement No: PER/02/2021 dt. 12 August 2021
Readvertised for the post of Program Manager, Project Manager, Project Consultant & Executive Head. (Apply online)
Instructions to candidates
12-08-2021 |
31-08-2021 |
Result for various project posts against Advt. No. PER/02/2021
52 |
Advt. No: PER/02/2021 dated. 12 August 2021
for the post of Medical Consultant, Physiotherapist, Nurse, Associate Engineers & Consultant (Accounts) (Walk in interview)
12-08-2021 |
27-08-2021 |
Result of Consultant (Accounts)
Result of Associate Engineers (IT / Audio Video / Civil / Electrical)
Result of Medical Consultant, Physiotherapist and Nurse
53 |
Advertisement No: PER/01/2021 dated 2nd July, 2021
Recruitment for various contractual positions at IITM
Instructions to candidates
Link to apply for posts at Sr.No.10 & 17-18
14-07-2021 |
01-08-2021 |
Recruitment stands cancelled due to administrative reasons.
List of shortlisted candidates for the post of UDC
List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Section Officer
List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Training Coordinator
54 |
Advt. No. PER/01/2021 dated 2nd July, 2021
Recruitment for various contractual positions at IITM
Instructions to candidates
Link to apply for posts at Sr.No. 8-9,11-16 & 19
14-07-2021 |
01-08-2021 |
Recruitment stands cancelled due to administrative reasons.
List of shortlisted candidates for the post of " Field Worker & Scientific Admin Assistant
List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Senior Project Associate
List of shortlisted Candidates for the post of Technical Assistant & Project Assistant
List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Project Scientist- I
List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Project Associate- II
List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Project Associate- I
55 |
Advertisement No. PER/01/2021 dt. 02 July 2021
Recruitment for the various contractual positions at IITM
Marathi Version of the Advt.
Link to apply for posts at Sr. No. 1-7
Instructions to candidates
02-07-2021 |
01-08-2021 |
Recruitment stands cancelled due to administrative reasons.
List of shortlisted candidates for the post of " Program Manager, Project Manager, Project Consultant & Executive Head
List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Project Scientist- III
List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Project Scientist- II
List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Project Scientist –II [Computer Appli support sc.]
The post of Program Manager, Project Manager, Project Consultant & Executive Head are readvertised vide Advt. No. PER/02/2021. Refer Sr. No. 3 above.
56 |
Filling up the post of Director, IITM, Pune
Instructions to candidates
02-07-2021 |
02-11-2021 |
last date for submission of application: 15.10.2021 (for urban areas) and 02.11.2021 (for remote areas)
57 |
Advertisement No: PER/05/2020 dt 18th December 2020
for the post of JTO, UDC, Mechanic Gr. II
Instruction and link for online form
18-12-2020 |
15-02-2021 |
Result for the post of UDC
Online Written Examination for the post of UDC (Reserved for SC Category)
List of shortlisted candidates for written examination for the post of Upper Division Clerk
58 |
Advertisement No: PER/04/2020 dt 09th June 2020
for the post of Consultant (WiFEX-Project) (01 Post) purely on temporary and short term contract basis.
Proforma for the application
09-06-2020 |
25-06-2020 |
Result for Consultant (WiFEX-Project)
The interview is scheduled on 03.07.2020 and the shortlisted candidates will be informed by e-mail
59 |
Advertisement No. PER/04/2020 dt. 09th June 2020
for the post of Computer Application Support Scientist (01 Post) purely on temporary and short term contract basis.
09-06-2020 |
03-07-2020 |
Result for the post of Computer Application Support Scientist
List of shortlisted candidates called for interview for the post of Computer Application Support Scientist. The interview is scheduled for 29th July 2020 through telepresence and shortlisted candidate will be informed by e-mail.
60 |
Advertisement No: Per/03/2020 dt 06th April 2020
for the post of Research Associateships (10 Posts) and Research Fellowships (20).
06-04-2020 |
30-08-2020 |
List of recommended candidates for IITM Research Fellow position
List of Shortlisted Candidates for the Post of IITM- JRF for Online Interview
Date of Interview and further Procedure will be intimated soon
In view of the prevailing outbreak of coronavirus pandemic and nationwide lockdown the last date of Application has been extended from 30/4/2020 upto 31/07/2020.
The last date is extended from 31.07.2020 to 30.08.2020. The date of written examination/interview will be informed in due course. It may be noted that the total number of positions may vary
61 |
Advertisement No: Per/03/2020 dt. 06th April 2020
for the post of Research Fellowship under MRFP Research Fellow Program at MoES Organization (36 Nos).
06-04-2020 |
30-08-2020 |
List of recommended candidates for MoES Research Fellow (MRFP) position.
List of Shortlisted Candidates for the Post of IITM- JRF and MRFP for Online Interview
Date of Interview and further Procedure will be intimated soon
In view of the prevailing outbreak of coronavirus pandemic and nationwide lockdown the last date of Application has been extended from 30/4/2020 upto 31/07/2020. The Age limit given in the Advt may be read as 28 years as on 30/4/2020 instead of 28 years as on the last date of Application.
The last date is extended from 31.07.2020 to 30.08.2020. The date of written examination/interview will be informed in due course. It may be noted that the total number of positions may vary
62 |
Advertisement No. PER/02/2020 dt 28 Feb. 2020
Recruitment for the post of Executive Director, Project Scientist E, Project Scientist D, Project Scientist C, Project Scientist B and Computer Application Support Scientist under various projects at IITM
Corrigendum w.r.t. advt. no. PER/02/2020 (Post Code ART-CI- 2020-003 – Total post - 04)
28-02-2020 |
15-04-2020 |
63 |
Advertisement No: PER/1/2020 dt 28 Jan 2020. WALK-IN INTERVIEW on 05th Feb 2020 at 09.00 AM for the post of Consultant (01)
28-01-2020 |
05-02-2020 |
Candidate recommended for the post of Consultant
64 |
Advertisement No. PER/17/2019 dt 16 Dec. 2019
Recruitment for the post of Project Scientists and Project Associate-II purely on temporary and short term contract basic for C-DAC sponsored project at IITM
16-12-2019 |
05-01-2020 |
Result for Project Scientist B & C under C-DAC Project
Status for the post of Project Associate -II
List of shortlisted candidates called for interview for the post of Project Scientist C & Project Scientist B. Interview scheduled on 20th February 2020
65 |
IITM Project positions for M.Sc/M.Tech. Short Term Studentship at IITM (6-9 months Duration)
29-11-2019 |
20-12-2019 |
25 candidates shortlisted for M.Sc./M.Tech. short term project of 6-9 months at IITM
66 |
Advertisement No.PER/16/2019 dt 14 Nov. 2019
WALK-IN INTERVIEW on 22nd November 2019 at 08.30 AM for the post of Project Assistant (01) and Project Associate-I (03) purely and temporary short term contract basis for C-DAC
14-11-2019 |
22-11-2019 |
Result for Project Assistant (01) and Project Associate-I (03)
67 |
Advertisement No: PER/15/2019 dt 22 Oct. 2019
WALK-IN-INTERVIEW on 5th November 2019 for the post of Project Associate purely on temporary and short term contract basis (For DST-BRICS Project) - 1 post
22-10-2019 |
05-11-2019 |
68 |
Advertisement No.PER/14/2019 dt 30 Sep. 2019
WALK-IN INTERVIEW on 25th October 2019 at 09.00 AM for the post of Consultant (01)
30-09-2019 |
25-10-2019 |
Selection Committee Report for the post of Consultant
69 |
Advertisement No: PER/13/2019 dt 29 Jul. 2019
WALK-IN INTERVIEW on 05th August 2019 for the post of Project Assistant (2 post )
29-07-2019 |
05-08-2019 |
70 |
Advertisement No. PER/12/2019 dt 11 July 2019
Recruitment for the post of Executive Director for International Climate Monsoon Project Office (ICMPO)
11-07-2019 |
13-08-2019 |
Result for Executive Director (ICMPO)
71 |
Advertisement No. PER/10/2019 dt 10 july 2019
Recruitment to the post of Uper Division Clerk 05 posts (03 posts for General and 02 posts reserved for OBC)
Instructions and link for online application form
10-07-2019 |
30-08-2019 |
Candidates for recruitment to the post of Upper Division Clerk
Instructions to the candidates for typing /computer knowledge test for the post of UDC to be held on Saturday, 14th December 2019
Corrigendum to the list of Shortlisted candidates for the post of Upper Division Clerk
Scheme and Instructions to the candidates for written examination for the post of UDC to be held on Saturday 14, December 2019, 08.00 am onwards
List of candidates to be called for written examination for the post of upper division clerk
72 |
Advertisement No: PER/11/2019 dt 09 July 2019
Walk-in interview on 12th July 2019 for the post of Assistant Engineer (IT) for Library Information & Publication Division - 1 post
09-07-2019 |
12-07-2019 |
73 |
Advertisement No:PER/04/2019 dt. 15 March. 2019
Instructions and link for online application form
Corrigendum w.r.t. advt. no. PER/04/2019 (Post Code MAQWS-2019-009) dt. 26 March 2019
28-06-2019 |
05-04-2019 |
Corrigendum to the list of shortlisted candidates called for interview for the post of Project Assistant for MAQWS Project
Candidates selected for post of Project Scientist B, C, D and Scientific Asst. C
Interview schedule towards recruitment of Project Scientist - D / Project Scientist - C for MAQWS Project
List of shortlisted candidates for various posts under MAQWS Project
74 |
Advertisement No:PER/09/2019 dt. 28 Jun. 2019
Walk-in interview on 3rd July 2019 for the post of Assistant Engineer (IT) for ICMPO - 1 post
28-06-2019 |
03-07-2019 |
75 |
Advertisement No:PER/09/2019 dt. 28 Jun. 2019
Walk-in interview on 4th July 2019 for the post of Project Assistant for SAC- ISRO Sponsored Project – 1 post
28-06-2019 |
04-07-2019 |
76 |
Advertisement No:PER/14/2018 dt. 24 Dec. 2018
RECRUITMENT OF SCIENTIST -'B' - 9 posts (SC - 3 posts, ST - 2 posts and OBC - 4 posts)
Instructions and link for online application form
27-05-2019 |
11-02-2019 |
Recruitment stands cancelled due to administrative reasons.
Corrigendum to the list of shortlisted candidates for Scientist – B posts and interview schedule
Corrigendum to the List of shortlisted candidates to be called for Interview for the post of Scientist-B
List of shortlisted candidates to be called for Interview for the post of Scientist - B
77 |
Advertisement No: Per/07/2019 dt. 01 May. 2019
Instructions and link for online application form
Last Date extended to 15 June 2019
24-05-2019 |
15-06-2019 |
List Of Shortlisted Candidates for Interview of MoES Research Fellow Program (MRFP).
78 |
Advertisement No: PER/05/2019 dt. 16 Apr. 2019
Instructions and link for online application form
Corrigendum for Advertisement Number PER/05/2019 Last Date for submission of online form is extended upto 25th May 2019
16-05-2019 |
25-05-2019 |
List of shortlisted candidates for interivew of Research Fellow
Written exam scheduled on 14.07.2019 (Sunday) for recruitment of RFs and Interview Schedule 17.07.2019 (Wednesday) for Research Associates.
79 |
Advertisement No:PER/08/2019 dt. 16 May 2019
WALK-IN INTERVIEW on 31st May 2019 for the post of Project Assistant : 1 post
16-05-2019 |
31-05-2019 |
80 |
Advertisement No:PER/06/ENVIS/2019 dt. 25 Apr. 2019
WALK-IN-INTERVIEW on 30th April 2019 for the post of IT Officer/GIS expert purely on temporary and short term contract basis (For ENVIS Project) for 1 year
07-05-2019 |
30-04-2019 |
List of candidates selected for the post of IT Officer (ENVIS Project) dt. 07 May 19
81 |
Corrigendum with respect to advt. No. PER/02/2019 dt. 12 Feb. 2019
Instructions and link for online application form
27-03-2019 |
28-02-2019 |
4. Candidate selected for the post of Junior Scientific Assistant (27 March 2019)
3. List of candidates selected for the post of Project Scientist B/C/D (26 March 2019)
2. List of shortlisted candidates called for written examination for the post of Junior Scientific Assistant (1 post)
1. List of shortlisted candidates to be called for Interview for the post of Project Scientist B/C/D
82 |
Advertisement No:PER/11/2018 dt. 13 Nov. 2018
Instructions to candidates
Scheme and instructions to candidates for written examination for the post of UDC to be held on 5 Jan. 2019
26-03-2019 |
30-11-2018 |
9. List of candidates selected for the post of Project Scientist B/C/D (26 March 2019)
8. List of shortlisted candidates to be called for Interview for the post of Project Scientist B/C/D
7. List of candidates recommended for the post of Section Officer in the DESK project
6. List of candidates recommended for the recruitment of Upper Division Clerk (UDC) purely on temporary and short term contract basis for DESK Project
5. The interview for the Section Officer for DESK Project is postponed and scheduled on 22 January 2019
4. List of selected candidates for recruitment of Project Scientist - D and Project Scientist - C
2. List of shortlisted candidates to be called for Interview for the post of Section Officer on short term contract basis
3. List of shortlisted candidates to be called for Written Examination for the post of UDC on short term contract bas
1. List of shortlisted candidates to be called for interview for the post of Proj. Scientist C, D.
83 |
Advertisement No: PER/13/2018 dt. 29 Nov 2018
26-03-2019 |
31-12-2018 |
3. List of Recommended Candidates for Research Associate positions (26 March 2019)
2. Postponed and Rescheduled interview for recruitment of IITM Research Associate positions on 22 March 2019
1. List of shortlisted candidates for IITM Research Associateship for interview on 21 March 2019
84 |
Advertisement No:PER/03/2019 dt. 12 Mar. 2019
WALK-IN-INTERVIEW on 24th March 2019 for the post of Consltant purely on temporary and short term contract basis (For CAIPEEX Project) for 1 year
26-03-2019 |
24-03-2019 |
Candidate selected for the post of Consultant (For CAIPEEX Project) (26 March 2019)
85 |
Advertisement No: . PER/01/ENVIS/2019 dt. 16 Jan. 2019
WALK-IN INTERVIEW on 21st January 2019 for the post of Information Officer for the ENVIS Centre
25-01-2019 |
21-01-2019 |
Candidate recommended for the post of Information Officer for ENVIS project at IITM
86 |
Advertisement No:PER/10/2018 dt. 13 Nov. 2018 Walk-In-Interview for the post of Project Assistant (1 post) purely on temporary and short term contract basis for the period of 1 year on 22 November 2018 at 08.30 a.m.
07-12-2018 |
22-11-2018 |
List of Candidate/s selected and waitlisted for the post of Project Assistant
87 |
Advertisement No:PER/12/2018 dt. 13 Nov. 2018 Walk-In-Interview on 20 Nov. 2018 for Consultant (1 post) for Accounts Section on temporary basis for 6 months
13-11-2018 |
20-11-2018 |
88 |
Advertisement No:PER/8/2018 dt. 18 Jul. 2018 Recruitment for the post of Accounts Officer on Deputation/ Absorption basis: 1 post
Instructions to candidates
23-10-2018 |
27-08-2018 |
Selection of the suitable candidate for the post of Accounts Officer
Shortlisted 11 candidates to be called for interview of Accounts Officer on 12.08.2018 at 08.00 hrs.
89 |
Advertisement No:PER/09/2018 dt. 20 Jul. 2018
Instructions to candidates (Contact:swati@tropmet.res.in)
23-10-2018 |
30-08-2018 |
Result of the Junior Translator examination held on 27/10/2018
Instructions for the candidates appearing for the post of Junior Translator
Shortlisted 42 candidates for post of Junior Translator for written examination on 27 October 2018 at IITM, Pashan
90 |
IITM Project positions for M.Sc/M.Tech.
Short Term Studentship at IITM (6-9 months Duration)
25-09-2018 |
12-10-2018 |
25 candidates shortlisted for M.Sc./M.Tech. short term project of 6-9 months at IITM
91 |
Advertisement No:PER/07/2018 dt. 12 Jul. 2018
WALK-IN-INTERVIEW on 17 July 2018 for recruitment of Event Coordinator purely on temporary and short term contract basis for APHH Project: 1 Post
12-07-2018 |
17-07-2018 |
92 |
Advertisement No: PER/06/2018 dt. 11 Jul. 2018
Recruitment of Project Scientist B for the project PROMOTE purely on short-term contract basis: 2 Posts
Instructions and link to fill online form (PER062017)
11-07-2018 |
06-08-2018 |
93 |
Advertisement No:PER/04/ENVIS/2018 dt. 24 May 2018
WALK-IN-INTERVIEW for Recruitment of Data Entry Operator (1 post) for ENVIS project on 1st June 2018
24-05-2018 |
01-06-2018 |
94 |
Advertisement No:PER/03/2018 dt. 23 Mar. 2018
Recruitment for the post of "Administrative Officer" at IIITM : 1 Post
Instructions and link to fill online form
Last date extended upto 15 April 2018
23-03-2018 |
15-04-2018 |
95 |
Advertisement No:PER/02/2018 dt. 7 Mar. 2018
Recruitment of 1. IITM Research Associates : 12 Nos. 2. IITM Research Fellows : 10 Nos. Instructions and link to fill online form Flyer of Advt. No. PER/02/2018
Instructions and link to fill online form
Flyer of Advt. No. PER/02/2018
07-03-2018 |
31-03-2018 |
Candidates recommended for written examination
96 |
Advertisement No:PER/01/ENVIS/2018 dt. 23 Feb. 2018
WALK-IN-INTERVIEW for Recruitment of Program Officer and Data Entry Operator for ENVIS, IITM
23-02-2018 |
05-03-2018 |
97 |
Advertisement No: PER/10/2017 dt. 28 Dec. 2017
WALK-IN-INTERVIEW for Recruitment of Assistant Engineers on short term contract (5 Posts) on 03-04 January 2018
28-12-2017 |
03-01-2018 |
98 |
Instructions regarding UDC exam for Advt. No:Per/08/2017 dt. 5 Dec. 2017
Instructions to the candidates APPEARING FOR UDC EXAMINATION ON 10-12-2017
05-12-2017 |
10-12-2017 |
99 |
Advertisement No:Per/08/2017 dt. 20 Oct. 2017
Recruitment of Project Scientists/Assistant/Manager Purely On Short Term Contract Basis: Total Posts 69
Instructions and link to fill online form
27-11-2017 |
19-11-2017 |
5. Corrigendum to the list of shortlisted candidates for the post of PROJECT ASSISTANT (Post code CAIPEEX2017-015 For FOG Campaign) (Date and time of interview is same)
4. List of shortlisted candidates and date of interview for Computer Application Supporting Scientist post (Post code NMM2017-007)
3. Project Scientist B : Click here for date and time of interview
2. Project Assistant : Click here for date and time of interview
1. Project Manager , Visiting Scientist, Project Scientist – D , Project Scientist - C, Project Scientist - B , Computer Application Supporting Scientist
100 |
Advertisement No:Per/08/2017 dt. 20 October 2017
Recruitment of Section Officer/UDC Purely On Short Term Contract Basis: Total Posts 10
Instructions and link to fill online form
27-11-2017 |
11-11-2017 |
SECTION OFFICER: List of candidates shortlisted for interview on 8 December 2017
UDC: List of candidates shortlisted for written examination on 10 December 2017
101 |
Advertisement No: PER/09/2017 dt.31 Oct. 2017 (For the APHH Secretariat, IITM) WALK-IN Interview for recruitment under Indo-UK and Indo-Norway Projects purely on temperory and contract basis
1. Event Coordinator – 1 post (on 10th Nov. 2017)
2. Data Resource Manager – 1 post (on 10th Nov. 2017)
3. Junior Research Fellow - 4 posts (on 15th Nov. 2017)
31-10-2017 |
15-11-2017 |
102 |
Advertisement No:PER/07/2017 dt. 21 July 2017
WALK-IN-INTERVIEW for Recruitment of Project Scientist-B for IITM-IIHS Collaborative Project.
21-07-2017 |
27-07-2017 |
103 |
Advertisement No: PER/06/2017 dt. 17 Jul. 2017 Walk-in Interview for the Posts below :
1. Project Assistant (Post 01) on 20 July 2017
2. Junior Engineer (IT) (Post 01) on 21 July 2017
17-07-2017 |
20-07-2017 |
104 |
Advertisement No:PER/5/2017 dt. 9 Jun. 2017
Recruitment for the post of Executive Director for International Climate Monsoon Project Office (ICMPO): 1 post
Date Extended to 16 August 2017
09-06-2017 |
16-08-2017 |
Date Extended to 16 August 2017
105 |
Advertisement No:PER/04/2017 dt. 4 Apr. 2017 WALK-IN-INTERVIEW on 7th April 2017 for Project Assistant on purely short term contract basis: 1 post
View Advt.
03-04-2017 |
07-04-2017 |
106 |
Advertisement No:PER/02/2017 dt.22 Mar. 2017 Advertisement for Research Associateships and Research Fellowships
1) IITM Research Associates: 07 nos. 2) IITM Research Fellows: 15 nos.
Instructions and link to fill online form
Flyer of Advertisement PER/02/2017
22-03-2017 |
30-04-2017 |
Candidates shortlisted for IITM Research Associate position for interview (7 Jun. 2017)
list of recommended candidates for IITM RA & RF posts (3 Jul. 2017)