Norms for Students:
1. A maximum 30 students will be admitted for pursuing the summer internship programs at IITM. All the requests would be processed through Academic Cell for necessary approval of Director.
2.The form (which will be available on IITM website under Academic Cell) is required to be filled-up by the student and submitted along with their CV and recommendation of head of the Department of the University/college/Institution etc. to Academic cell (Hard and Soft copy) for further necessary action such as requirement of accommodation, ID cards etc.. For funding issues, summer internship students are required to secure the financial support from their own Institution. There will be one window system for smooth functioning.
3. If required, the accommodation of students (Approx. 30 Numbers) will be arranged by IITM, in ‘IITM-IMD Hostel, Pashan, Pune’.
4. It is mandatory to submit a copy (soft & hard) of Project Report/Thesis, along with a completion report, after completion of the project/research work to the Academic Cell and IITM Library through Guide.
5. Printing of any kind of theses/dissertation/project –internship report etc. on IITM printer will not be allowed.
6. Prior permission has to be taken by the student for extension of accommodation in hostel through a request letter recommended by guide and forwarded through Academic Cell. The intimation to Academic cell is mandatory before leaving the IITM and hostel Campus.
7. Project students (summer project/M.Tech./M.Sc. etc.) are not entitled for medical facility from IITM. However in case of emergency/brief sickness (First-Aid, Fever, Cough Cold, injury etc.) IITM dispensary may provide the medical consultancy/physiotherapy consultancy free of cost to the respective student through a request put up through respective guides.
8. The approval for attending training/conference/workshop by the Ph.D. students, strictly after completion of the first common coursework of six months, will be processed through the academic cell only after the strong recommendation and justification received from the respective guide with the assurance of not disturbing the academic program. The recommendation will depend on financial commitment routed through the guide - academic cell - Sr. Manager- Accounts – Director. The ‘report of achievements’ also should be submitted through Academic Cell to Director.
9. All the Ph.D. students applications to any UGC recommended University within India will be processed through Academic Cell to Establishment section for further action.
10. The information related to every students who is studying in IITM will be displayed on IITM website i.e. names of student pursuing Ph. D., M.Tech., M. Sc. Project etc., Title of the dissertation, Guide/Co-guides, University/Institute affiliation, year of the Ph. D. dissertation etc.
Norms for Students: apart from regular students
1. Requiring to come and work for more than 2 days (Those who come only for 1 or 2 days can enter as IITM Visitor).
2. Need to write an email to academic cell (with cc to guide/respective scientists) for the permission.
Norms for IITM Employees
11. Registration for Ph.D.
IITM Scientists with Engineering degree (in Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Computer etc.) and posted and working to provide services to IITM Programmes, if willing to do Ph.D. in any branch of Earth System Sciences/Environmental Sciences/Engineering, have to go through the following procedure
1. They have to appear for an interview at the time of selection of Institute JRF for becoming eligible for Ph.D.
2. Selected candidates would be required to undergo an in-house training in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, which is pre-requisite for becoming eligible as IITM Ph.D. candidate.
Norms for Project Students
12. Project Students
Norms for Web based application and admission
13. Admission process
Norms for IITM Ph.D. Guides
14. IITM Ph.D. Guides
1. Click for Office Memorandum No.Comm/7/2016 dt. 21 July 2016 w.r.t. Norms for Guides and Students of IITM Academic Cell
2. Click for Office Memorandum No.Comm/7/2016 dt. 23 December 2016 w.r.t. Norms for Guides and Students of IITM Academic Cell (Norms for For IITM Employees)
3. Click for Office Memorandum No. Acc.M3/2017 dt. 10 March 2017 about Web-based Application Forms of Internship / Project Students
4. Click for Office Circular No. ACC.RARFC/2017 dt. 23 March 2017 regarding allotment of Ph.D. students
to IITM Guides.