Publications Added in I.I.T.M. Library

December - 2022




Atmospheres and Oceans on Computers

-  Roed Lars Petter

-  Springer, U.S.A, 2019, pp.275




Acc. No. 8532

Description: Book cover


Numerical Methods for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

-  Chandrasekar A.

-  Cambridge University Press, U.K., 2022, pp.519

Acc. No. 8533

Description: Numerical Methods for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences


Ocean Mixing

-  Gregg M.C.

-  Cambridge University Press, U.K., 2021, pp.370

Acc. No. 8534

Description: C:\Users\LIP\Desktop\Cover Page\New folder\SLIB22123014130.jpg


Basics of Atmospheric Dynamics

IMS Popular Book Series

-  Keshavamurty R.N.

-  BS Publications, Hyderabad, 2020, pp.157


Acc. No. 8535-8536

Description: Description: D:\Ankita\Back PC-copy Folder\New Publications Added\First Page\August 8523.jpg



Weather Messengers

-  Kulkarni Jeevanprakash

-  Oceanwaves Publication, Pune., 2022, pp.186

Acc. No. 8537

Description: C:\Users\LIP\Desktop\Cover Page\New folder\SLIB22123014110.jpg


Cloud Seeding

-  Kulkarni Jeevanprakash

-  Elite Graphic Studio, Pune., 2022, pp.191

Acc. No. 8538

Description: C:\Users\LIP\Desktop\Cover Page\New folder\SLIB22123014120.jpg




Development of a real time monitoring strategy for MJO and evaluation of its extended range forecast skill

- Dey Avijit

- Thesis Submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy,

Faculty of Science, Atmospheric and Space Sciences, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, 2022, pp.116

*Under the Guidance of Dr. Chattopadhyay Rajib, Dr. Sahai A.K.

Acc. No. T-259

  Description: C:\Users\LIP\Desktop\Cover Page\New folder\T-259.jpg


Simulating the Vertical Structure of Atmospheric Low-Level-Jets using Laboratory Wall Jets

- Gupta Abhishek

- Thesis Submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Geophysics, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 2022, pp.185 *Under the Guidance of Dr. Dixit Shivsai A., Dr. Singh Abhay Kumar

Acc. No. T-260

  Description: C:\Users\LIP\Desktop\Cover Page\New folder\T-260.jpg


Understanding the Tracks and Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling of Tropical Cyclones in the North Indian Ocean in a Changing Climate

- Singh Vineet Kumar

- Thesis Submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy,

Faculty of Science, Atmospheric and Space Sciences, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, 2022, pp.208

*Under the Guidance of Dr. Koll Roxy Mathew, Dr. Deshpande Medha

Acc. No. T-261

  Description: C:\Users\LIP\Desktop\Cover Page\New folder\T-261.jpg


Role of soil moisture variability on temperature extremes over the Indian subcontinent under changing climate

- Ganeshi Naresh

- Thesis Submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy,

Faculty of Science, Atmospheric and Space Sciences, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, 2022, pp.124

*Under the Guidance of Dr. Mujumdar Milind, Dr. Krishnan R.

Acc. No. T-262

  Description: C:\Users\LIP\Desktop\Cover Page\New folder\T-262.jpg
