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>  Journals Available in IITM Library

Access to the online version of some of the journals has been arranged for the Institute Scientists. The online journals are accessible for downloading from the respective sites of the journals. The full texts of the articles are available in HTML format and the print version requires loading of the Adobe Acrobat version 6.0 or higher, which is available free.

IITM Scientists may avail this facility from the Institute LAN. Print Versions are available in IITM Library.


  [ A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H |  I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U |V | W | X | Y | Z ] End

Title of the Journal
Online Access Site
Availability of Online Access [vol.(year)]
Availability of Print Version (year)
Advances in  Atmospheric Sciences
1984 - 2000
Advances in Space Research
Vol.15(1995) +
Aerosol and Air Quality Research
2007 +
Aerosol Science and Technology
Vol.1(1982) +
1995-2000, 2003 +
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Vol.72(1995) +


Annales Geophysicae
Vol.15 (1997) + 2003 - 2008
Annals of Arid Zone
1964-1973, 1975 -2001
Annals of the National Association of Geographers, India
2002 +
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences*
Applied Optics  ** Through Optics Infobase Vol.1(1962)+ ---
Vol.17(2004) + 1996 + (Complimentary)
Atmosphere Ocean
(Atmosphere 1975-1977)
Vol.16(1978) +
1978 - 2008
Atmospheric Environment
Vol.29(1995) +
1967 - 2008
Atmospheric Research
(Journal De Researches Atmospheriques 1969-1985)
Vol.35(1995) + 1986 - 2008
Atmospheric Science Letters*
Vol.1(2000) +
Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal
    (Australian Meteorological Magazine 1952- 2008)
Vol.55 (2006) +
1979 +
Boundary Layer Meteorology
Vol.82(1997) + 1970-1978, 1983 - 2008
Bulletin of A.M.S.
Vol.51(1970) +
1964 +
Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences
Climate Dynamics
Vol.13(1997) + 1991 +
Climate Monitor
Climate Research
Vol.1(1990) + 1994 +
Climatic Change
Vol.35(1997) + 1977 - 2008
Current Science
Vol.1(1932) +
1970 +
Deccan Geographer
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers
Vol.42(1995) + 2008
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography
Vol.42(1995) + 2008
Vol.25(2008) + 2003 - 2008
Digital Library - AGU *

 Through A.G.U.

Through A.G.U.

2009 +  ---
Down to Earth
1992 + 1995+
Dynamics of Atmosphere and Ocean
Vol.21(1995) +
1983-1985, 1987- 2008
Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Vol.129(1995) + 2008
Earth Interactions
Open access Vol.1(1997)-Vol.7(2003) , Vol.12(2008) + ---
Earth Science Reviews 
Vol.38 (1995) + ---
Ecology Environment and   Conservation
2001 -2007 (Discontinued)
Electronics for you
1985 +
Environment Science & Engineering
2005 +
Everyman's Science
1972-73, 1975, 1987-2006      
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems  *

 Through A.G.U.

Through A.G.U.

Vol.1(1999) - Vol.4(2003)
Geography and You
2007 - 2008 (Discontinued)
Geophysical Research Letters
Vol.1(1974)+ 1974 - 2008
Geospatial Today
2007 - 2008 (Discontinued)
GIS India
2007 - 2008
Global and Planetary Change
Vol.10(1995) + 1989, 2003 - 2008                  TOP
Global Biogeochemical Cycles *
 Through A.G.U. Vol.1(1987)-Vol.16(2003)
High Altitude Data
1974-1976 (Discontinued)
Himalayan Research and Development
1983-1990 (Discontinued)
Vol.7(1997) + 1991 +
Hydrological Sciences Journal
 (Hydrological Sciences Bulletin 1973-1981)
Free Access Vol.1(1956)+ 1973-1989,
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
Vol.1(1997) + 2008
Hydrology Journal **
Vol.32(2009) + 1977-1981, 1986+                TOP
IASLIC Bulletin
1981 +
ICES Journal of Marine Science
2003 + 2008
Indian Forester
2000 - 2007 (Discontinued)
Indian Journal of Environmental Protection
1999 +
Indian Journal of Forestry
2000 +
Indian Journal of Marine Sciences
1989 +
Indian Journal of Power and River
   Valley Development
1979-1984, 2001+
Indian Journal of Radio & Space
Indian Science Abstracts
1994-2002, 2004 -2007
International Journal of Climatology
 (Journal of  Climatology 1981-1988)
Vol.1(1981) + 1981 +
International Journal of Meteorology
 (The Journal of Meteorology 1975- 2005)
1990 +
International Journal of Remote Sensing
Vol.18(1997) + 2005 - 2008
IZVESTIA : Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics
  (Atmospheric & Oceanic Physics 1965-1978)
1965-1978, 1982-1989, 1991-1995
Journal of Aerosol Science
Vol.26(1995) + 1988 - 2008
Journal of Agrometeorology
2001 +
Journal of Air and Waste Management Association
(Journal of Air Pollution Control Association 1975-1988)
1975-1993, 1995-1998
Journal of Applied Hydrology
1989, 1993-2003
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology
 (Journal of Applied Meteorology 1962 -2005)
Vol.1(1962)+ 1962 +
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology
Vol.1(1984) -Vol.19 (2002),
Vol.24 (2007) +
1987 +
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics
Vol.59 (1997) + 1964-1966, 1969-1970,
1983-1991, 1993-2000, 2008
Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry **
Journal of Atmospheric Sciences
 (Journal of Meteorology 1944-1961)
Vol.1(1944) + 1944+
Journal of Climate
Vol.1(1988) + 1988 +
Journal of Earth Systems Science
(Proceedings of Indian Academy of Sciences: Earth & Planetary Sciences 1980-2004)
Vol.87(1978) + 2005 +
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Vol.330(1997) + 1956-1965, 1967-1978, 2008
(Journal of Geophysical Research) Terrestrial Magnetism *  Through A.G.U. Vol.1(1896)-Vol.3(1898) ---
Journal of Geophysical Research
(Terrestrial Magnetism and Atmospheric Electricity) *
 Through A.G.U. Vol.4(1899)-Vol.53(1948) ---
Journal of Geophysical Research *
 Through A.G.U. Vol.54(1949)-Vol.82(1977) 1964-1977
Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres (D)
Vol.89(1984) + 1978 - 2008
Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans (C)
Vol.83(1978) + 1978 - 2008
Journal of Geophysical Research - Planets (E) *
 Through A.G.U.  Vol.96(1991) - Vol.108 (2003)
Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth (B) *
 Through A.G.U. Vol.83(1978) - Vol.108 (2003) ---
Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physics (A) *
 Through A.G.U. Vol.83(1978) - Vol.108 (2003) ---
Journal of Hydrology
Vol.164(1995) + 1968 , 1982-1991, 2008+
Journal of  Hydrometeorology
Vol.1(2000) -
Vol.3 (2002),
Vol.8 (2007) +
2003 +
Journal of Indian Geophysical Union
Vol.7(2003)+ 2003 +
Journal of Indian Ocean Studies
2002 +
Journal of Industrial Pollution Control
2001 -2007 (Discontinued)
Journal of Marine  Research
Vol.46(1988) +
1946, 1948-1959, 1961, 1963- 1965, 1969, 1971-1990, 2008
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Vol.2 (1997) +
Journal of Meteorological Society of Japan
Vol.43(1965) +
1945 +
Journal of Oceanography
Vol.51(1995) +
Journal of Physical Oceanography
Vol.1(1971) + 1971+
Journal of Spatial Hydrology (JOSH)
(Online + CD)
Vol.2(2002) +
Journal of Weather Modification Association
1975 +
1980 - 1995 (Publication ceased)
Man and Environment
1979-1987, 1989-1992, 1997-2000 (Discontinued)
(Indian Journal of Meteorology and Geophysics 1950-1978 )
1950 + (Complimentary)
Measurement Science & Technology
Vol.10(1999) + 2007 - 2008
Meteorological Applications
Vol.4 (1997) +
1996 +
Meteorological and Geoastrophysical Abstracts
 (Meteorological Abstracts and Bibliography 1950 -1959)
1950 +
Meteorology and Atmospheric
   (Archiv fur Meteorologie
    Geophysik und Bio-klimatologie
Through Springerlink Vol.62 (1997) + 1973 -1978, 1981 - 2008
Meteorological Magazine --- --- 1947- 1993
Meteorologische Zeitschrift
(Contributions to Atmospheric Physics up to 1999)
Vol.10 (2001) + 1957- 1963, 1966, 1968-1972, 1983 +
Monthly Climatic Data for the World
1948 + 1969-1999,
2001-2004 +
Monthly Weather Review
Vol.1(1873) +
1964 +
Natural Hazards
Through Springerlink Vol.15(1997) + ---
Vol.385(1997) + 1979 - 2008
Nature Geoscience
Vol.1(2008) +
New Scientist
--- 1994-1997 (Discontinued)   TOP
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics  *
 Through Journal Vol.1(1994) + ---
Ocean Dynamics
Vol.49(1997) +
Ocean Modelling
Vol.1(1999) +
Optics Letters **
Vol.1(1977) +
Ozone Data for the World
(on CD)
CD 1999-2001
CD 1926-2005
Palaeobotanist --- --- 1977, 1979 +
Paleogeography, Palaeo-climatology and Palaeoecology
Vol.113 (1995)+
1979-1989, 2008
Paleoceanography  *
 Through A.G.U. Vol.1(1986)-Vol.18(2003) ---
Papers in Meteorology and Geophysics
Vol.31(1980) +
1961-1962 , 1964-1990, 1992-2004, 2006+
Pollution Research
--- --- 2001+
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Vol.1(1915) +
Progress in Oceanography
Vol.35(1995) +
1997-1998, 2003 - 2008
Pure and Applied Geophysics
Vol.149(1997) +
1965, 1972-1973, 1977-1990,1994-2000, 2003 -2008             TOP
Quarterly Journal of Royal Meteorological Society
Vol.128 (2002) + 1945 +
Quaternary Research
Vol.43 (1995) +
Quaternary Science Reviews * Through ScienceDirect Vol.25 (2006) +
Vol.1 (1959) + 2008
Radio Science
Vol.4(1969) - Vol.38(2003), Vol.43(2008)+ 2008
Vol.1(1996) +
1996 +
Reviews of Geophysics
Vol.1(1963) + 1963 +
Review of the Scientific Instruments
1967-1999 (Discontinued)
Vol.1(1880), Vol.275 (1997) + 1987-1991, 1993 - 2008
Scientific American
1969-1986 , 1988-1991, 1993 +
(Membership of Indian Meritime Foundation)
2007 +
Solar Geophysical Data
1979-1986, 1988-2001
Space Weather *  Through AGU Vol.1(2003) +


Surveys in Geophysics
Vol.18(1997) +
Tectonics  *
 Through A.G.U. Vol.1(1982) - Vol.21(2003)
Tellus - A
Vol.49 (1997)+ 1949-1982
Tellus - B
Vol.49(1997)+ 1949-1982 1983+
Theoretical & Applied Climatology
(Archiv fur Meteorologie Geophysik und Bioklimatologie Sr. B. 1973-1978, 1981-1986)
Vol.56 (1997)+
1973 - 1978, 1981 - 2008
(TISGLOW up to 1999, Global Environment Review up to 2001)
1993 - 2008 (Discontinued)
Transactions of Institute of Geographers
1992 +
Tree Ring Research
(Tree-Ring Bulletin 1982-1993, 1997-2000)
Vol.1(1934) +
1982-1993, 1997 +
Vaigyanik (Hindi)
1991+ (Discontinued)
1978 + (Complimentary)
Vayu Mandal
1971-1999 +
Water, Air and Soil Pollution
1971-1978, 1986-1991
Water Resources Journal
1982-2004 (Complimentary)
(Publication ceased)
Water Resources Research
Vol.1(1965) -Vol.39(2003), Vol.44(2008)+ 1995-2000, 2008 +
Vol.57(2002) + 1965 +
Weather and Forecasting
Vol.1(1986) +
1992 +
Vol.58 (2005) + 1962 +
WMO Bulletin
Vol.55(2006) +
1965 +

    **   New Journals / online access added in 2010 

open access

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