Title of the Journal
Online Access Site
Availability of Online Access [vol.(year)]
Availability of Print Version (year)
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences
1984 - 2000 |
Advances in Space Research
Vol.15(1995) +
2008 |
Aerosol and Air Quality Research
2007 + |
Aerosol Science and Technology
Vol.1(1982) +
1995-2000, 2003 + |
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology |
Vol.72(1995) +
Annales Geophysicae
Vol.15 (1997) + |
2003 - 2008 |
Annals of Arid Zone
1964-1973, 1975 -2001
(Discontinued) |
Annals of the National Association of Geographers, India
2002 + |
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences*
Applied Optics ** |
Through Optics Infobase |
Vol.1(1962)+ |
--- |
Vol.17(2004) + |
1996 + (Complimentary) |
Atmosphere Ocean
(Atmosphere 1975-1977)
Vol.16(1978) +
1978 - 2008 |
Atmospheric Environment
Vol.29(1995) +
1967 - 2008 |
Atmospheric Research
(Journal De Researches Atmospheriques 1969-1985)
Vol.35(1995) + |
1986 - 2008 |
Atmospheric Science Letters*
Vol.1(2000) + |
Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal
(Australian Meteorological Magazine 1952- 2008)
Vol.55 (2006) + |
1979 +
Boundary Layer Meteorology
Vol.82(1997) + |
1970-1978, 1983 - 2008 |
Bulletin of A.M.S.
Vol.51(1970) + |
1964 +
Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences
1988-1998 |
Climate Dynamics
Vol.13(1997) + |
1991 + |
Climate Monitor
1980-1997 |
Climate Research
Vol.1(1990) + |
1994 + |
Climatic Change
Vol.35(1997) + |
1977 - 2008 |
Current Science
Vol.1(1932) + |
1970 +
Deccan Geographer
1996+ |
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers
Vol.42(1995) + |
2008 |
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography
Vol.42(1995) + |
2008 |
Vol.25(2008) + |
2003 - 2008 |
Digital Library - AGU *
Through A.G.U.
Through A.G.U.
2009 + |
--- |
Down to Earth
1992 + |
1995+ |
Dynamics of Atmosphere and Ocean
Vol.21(1995) + |
1983-1985, 1987- 2008
Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Vol.129(1995) + |
2008 |
Earth Interactions
Open access Vol.1(1997)-Vol.7(2003) , Vol.12(2008) + |
--- |
Earth Science Reviews
Vol.38 (1995) + |
--- |
Ecology Environment and Conservation
2001 -2007 (Discontinued) |
Electronics for you
1985 + |
Environment Science & Engineering
2005 + |
Everyman's Science
1972-73, 1975, 1987-2006
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems *
Through A.G.U.
Through A.G.U.
Vol.1(1999) - Vol.4(2003)
--- |
Geography and You
2007 - 2008 (Discontinued) |
Geophysical Research Letters
Vol.1(1974)+ |
1974 - 2008 |
Geospatial Today
2007 - 2008 (Discontinued) |
GIS India
2007 - 2008 |
Global and Planetary Change
Vol.10(1995) + |
1989, 2003 - 2008 |
Global Biogeochemical Cycles *
Through A.G.U. |
--- |
1974-1976 (Discontinued) |
Himalayan Research and Development
1983-1990 (Discontinued) |
Vol.7(1997) + |
1991 + |
Hydrological Sciences Journal
(Hydrological Sciences Bulletin 1973-1981)
Free Access Vol.1(1956)+ |
1995+ |
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
Vol.1(1997) + |
2008 |
Hydrology Journal **
Vol.32(2009) + |
1977-1981, 1986+ |
1981 + |
ICES Journal of Marine Science
2003 + |
2008 |
Indian Forester
2000 - 2007 (Discontinued) |
Indian Journal of Environmental Protection
1999 + |
Indian Journal of Forestry
2000 + |
Indian Journal of Marine Sciences
1989 + |
Indian Journal of Power and River
Valley Development
1979-1984, 2001+ |
Indian Journal of Radio & Space
1980+ |
Indian Science Abstracts
1994-2002, 2004 -2007
(Discontinued) |
International Journal of Climatology
(Journal of Climatology 1981-1988)
Vol.1(1981) + |
1981 + |
International Journal of Meteorology
(The Journal of Meteorology 1975- 2005)
1990 + |
International Journal of Remote Sensing
Vol.18(1997) + |
2005 - 2008 |
IZVESTIA : Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics
(Atmospheric & Oceanic Physics 1965-1978)
1965-1978, 1982-1989, 1991-1995
Journal of Aerosol Science
Vol.26(1995) + |
1988 - 2008 |
Journal of Agrometeorology
2001 + |
Journal of Air and Waste Management Association
(Journal of Air Pollution Control Association 1975-1988)
1975-1993, 1995-1998
(Discontinued) |
Journal of Applied Hydrology
1989, 1993-2003 |
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology
(Journal of Applied Meteorology 1962 -2005)
Vol.1(1962)+ |
1962 + |
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology
Vol.1(1984) -Vol.19 (2002),
Vol.24 (2007) + |
1987 + |
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics
Vol.59 (1997) + |
1964-1966, 1969-1970,
1983-1991, 1993-2000, 2008
Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry **
(Discontinued) |
Journal of Atmospheric Sciences
(Journal of Meteorology 1944-1961)
Vol.1(1944) + |
1944+ |
Journal of Climate
Vol.1(1988) + |
1988 + |
Journal of Earth Systems Science
(Proceedings of Indian Academy of Sciences: Earth & Planetary Sciences 1980-2004)
Vol.87(1978) + |
2005 + |
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Vol.330(1997) + |
1956-1965, 1967-1978, 2008
(Journal of Geophysical Research) Terrestrial Magnetism * |
Through A.G.U. |
Vol.1(1896)-Vol.3(1898) |
--- |
Journal of Geophysical Research
(Terrestrial Magnetism and Atmospheric Electricity) * |
Through A.G.U. |
Vol.4(1899)-Vol.53(1948) |
--- |
Journal of Geophysical Research *
Through A.G.U. |
Vol.54(1949)-Vol.82(1977) |
1964-1977 |
Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres (D)
Vol.89(1984) + |
1978 - 2008 |
Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans (C)
Vol.83(1978) + |
1978 - 2008 |
Journal of Geophysical Research - Planets (E) *
Through A.G.U. |
Vol.96(1991) - Vol.108 (2003)
--- |
Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth (B) *
Through A.G.U. |
Vol.83(1978) - Vol.108 (2003) |
--- |
Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physics (A) *
Through A.G.U. |
Vol.83(1978) - Vol.108 (2003) |
--- |
Journal of Hydrology
Vol.164(1995) + |
1968 , 1982-1991, 2008+ |
Journal of Hydrometeorology
Vol.1(2000) -
Vol.3 (2002),
Vol.8 (2007) + |
2003 + |
Journal of Indian Geophysical Union
Vol.7(2003)+ |
2003 + |
Journal of Indian Ocean Studies
2002 + |
Journal of Industrial Pollution Control
2001 -2007 (Discontinued) |
Journal of Marine Research
Vol.46(1988) +
1946, 1948-1959, 1961, 1963- 1965, 1969, 1971-1990, 2008
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Vol.2 (1997) +
--- |
Journal of Meteorological Society of Japan
Vol.43(1965) +
1945 + |
Journal of Oceanography
Vol.51(1995) +
Journal of Physical Oceanography
Vol.1(1971) + |
1971+ |
Journal of Spatial Hydrology (JOSH)
(Online + CD)
Vol.2(2002) +
2008 |
Journal of Weather Modification Association
1975 +
1980 - 1995 (Publication ceased) |
Man and Environment
1979-1987, 1989-1992, 1997-2000 (Discontinued) |
(Indian Journal of Meteorology and Geophysics 1950-1978 )
1950 + (Complimentary) |
Measurement Science & Technology
Vol.10(1999) + |
2007 - 2008 |
Meteorological Applications
Vol.4 (1997) +
1996 + |
Meteorological and Geoastrophysical Abstracts
(Meteorological Abstracts and Bibliography 1950 -1959)
1950 + |
Meteorology and Atmospheric
(Archiv fur Meteorologie
Geophysik und Bio-klimatologie
Sr.A.1973-1978,1981-1985) |
Through Springerlink |
Vol.62 (1997) + |
1973 -1978, 1981 - 2008 |
Meteorological Magazine |
--- |
--- |
1947- 1993 |
Meteorologische Zeitschrift
(Contributions to Atmospheric Physics up to 1999)
Vol.10 (2001) + |
1957- 1963, 1966, 1968-1972, 1983 + |
Monthly Climatic Data for the World
1948 + |
2001-2004 + |
Monthly Weather Review
Vol.1(1873) + |
1964 +
Natural Hazards
Through Springerlink |
Vol.15(1997) + |
--- |
Vol.385(1997) + |
1979 - 2008 |
Nature Geoscience
Vol.1(2008) +
New Scientist
--- |
1994-1997 (Discontinued) |
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics *
Through Journal |
Vol.1(1994) + |
--- |
Vol.49(1997) +
--- |
Ocean Modelling
Vol.1(1999) +
--- |
Optics Letters ** |
Vol.1(1977) +
--- |
Ozone Data for the World
(on CD)
CD 1999-2001
CD 1926-2005
Palaeobotanist |
--- |
--- |
1977, 1979 + |
Paleogeography, Palaeo-climatology and Palaeoecology
Vol.113 (1995)+
1979-1989, 2008 |
Paleoceanography *
Through A.G.U. |
Vol.1(1986)-Vol.18(2003) |
--- |
Papers in Meteorology and Geophysics
Vol.31(1980) +
1961-1962 , 1964-1990, 1992-2004, 2006+
(Complimentary) |
Pollution Research
(Indian) |
--- |
--- |
2001+ |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Vol.1(1915) +
Progress in Oceanography
Vol.35(1995) +
1997-1998, 2003 - 2008
Pure and Applied Geophysics
Vol.149(1997) +
1965, 1972-1973, 1977-1990,1994-2000, 2003 -2008 |
Quarterly Journal of Royal Meteorological Society
Vol.128 (2002) + |
1945 + |
Quaternary Research
Vol.43 (1995) +
Quaternary Science Reviews * |
Through ScienceDirect |
Vol.25 (2006) + |
Vol.1 (1959) + |
Radio Science
Vol.4(1969) - Vol.38(2003), Vol.43(2008)+ |
Vol.1(1996) +
1996 + |
Reviews of Geophysics
Vol.1(1963) + |
1963 + |
Review of the Scientific Instruments
1967-1999 (Discontinued)
Vol.1(1880), Vol.275 (1997) + |
1987-1991, 1993 - 2008
Scientific American
1969-1986 , 1988-1991, 1993 + |
(Membership of Indian Meritime Foundation)
2007 + |
Solar Geophysical Data
1979-1986, 1988-2001 |
Space Weather * |
Through AGU |
Vol.1(2003) + |
Surveys in Geophysics
Vol.18(1997) +
Tectonics *
Through A.G.U. |
Vol.1(1982) - Vol.21(2003)
--- |
Tellus - A
Vol.49 (1997)+ |
1983+ |
Tellus - B
Vol.49(1997)+ |
1949-1982 1983+ |
Theoretical & Applied Climatology
(Archiv fur Meteorologie Geophysik und Bioklimatologie Sr. B. 1973-1978, 1981-1986)
Vol.56 (1997)+
1973 - 1978, 1981 - 2008
(TISGLOW up to 1999, Global Environment Review up to 2001)
1993 - 2008 (Discontinued)
Transactions of Institute of Geographers
1992 + |
Tree Ring Research
(Tree-Ring Bulletin 1982-1993, 1997-2000)
Vol.1(1934) +
1982-1993, 1997 +
Vaigyanik (Hindi)
1991+ (Discontinued)
1978 + (Complimentary) |
Vayu Mandal
1971-1999 +
Water, Air and Soil Pollution
1971-1978, 1986-1991
(Discontinued) |
Water Resources Journal
1982-2004 (Complimentary)
(Publication ceased) |
Water Resources Research
Vol.1(1965) -Vol.39(2003), Vol.44(2008)+ |
1995-2000, 2008 + |
Vol.57(2002) + |
1965 + |
Weather and Forecasting
Vol.1(1986) +
1992 + |
Vol.58 (2005) + |
1962 + |
WMO Bulletin
Vol.55(2006) + |
1965 +