Supporting Services
The Supporting wing of IITM Library renders following services to IITM scientists
- Editorial and Documentation of Institute's Five Year Plan proposals, publication of Institute's Reports and Activities
- DTP and Designing of Publications
- Photography
- Photocopying
- Paper Cutting and Binding of In-House Reports
Information, Liasion and Publication Services
The Information Team deals with following tasks for the Administration of Institute
- Liaison with Ministries, Organizations, Universitites
- Publication of Annual Report, Research Reports, Brochures, Pamphlets, Reports for Governing Council, Research Advisory Committee and other Institutes.Organisations.
- Design of Institute's website, updating and uploading of information from to time to time on the website.
- Liaison with Universities for Institute's Recognition, Record of M.Sc., /Ph.D. / Recognised Guides
- Preparation of Plan Documents
- Notifiction of Announcements of Awards, Seminars, Symposia, Workshops of other Institutions
- Exchange of Reprints of Institute's scientists' papers
- Publication of Updated List of Papers of Institute's Scientists
- Preparation of Exhibits
- Organisation of Exhibition and Science Popularisation Programmes, Co-Ordination with Visitors
- Liaison with Media
Library and Documentation Services
This Team deals with following tasks for the scientists of the Institute
- Acquisition of Books, Journals, Reports etc.
- Classification and Cataloguing, Display and Organisation of Publications, Annual Physical Verification of Publications
- Database Creation
- Access to publications in electronic form
- Binding and Maintenance of Publications
- Interlibrary Loan of Publications
- Supply of photocopies to outsiders by post, by email and on cash payment.
- Preparation of Bibliographies and Citation Index, Reference and SDI Service
- Contribution of Data Base to PUNENET and National Union Catalogue and Resource Sharing
- Liaison with other libraries and Information Centres
- Library Facilities to Students, Teachers and Visiting Scientists